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Property Advisory Commission


Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §36-9-3(b), established by resolution of the BOC on 1/28/03.

Lease Policy


Created for the purpose of studying and making recommendations to the BOC for the future development, use and sale of county owned property. With the advice and approval of this Commission, the governing authority may negotiate and consummate a private sale of any county owned property notwithstanding any other provisions that require a county to dispose of its property to the highest bidder by auction or bid.

The Commission is comprised of five (5) members with those persons occupying the positions of Finance Director, Support Services Director and County Manager or his/her designee being three of the Commission members.

The Commission Chair of the BOC shall make one (1) appointment and one (1) appointment shall be made by the full Board of Commissioners.

Members serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the BOC and until replaced, except the member appointed by the Commission Chair shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair during the Chair's term of office and until replaced. In the event of a vacancy of either appointed post on the Commission, the Commission shall notify the BOC and said vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

The Commission shall meet as necessary in order to study and make recommendations to the BOC with respect to the future development, use and sale of county owned property.

Board Members

Member Name Appointed By Term
Jackie McMorris by Virtue of Position  
Trey Spivey Chairwoman Cupid 12/31/2024
Derrick Vincent Board of Commissioners At the pleasure of the Board
Bill Volckmann by Virtue of Position  
Sharon Stanley, Chair by Virtue of Position  


Sharon Stanley, Support Services Agency Director