Cobb County PARKS offers multiple arts centers and theaters that offer classes, workshops, and performances for the public.

Keep Cobb Beautiful is a nonprofit organization created for the purpose of “assisting the County and Board of Commissioners in establishing, promoting and maintaining a countywide policy for improved environmental and waste management.”

The Cobb County Public Library System is a 16-branch system headquartered in Marietta, Georgia, where its staff members serve a diverse population of over 700,000 people. Cobb is one of Georgia’s fastest-growing counties, and the Cobb County Public Library System is dedicated to being a resource center in the community by providing equal access to information, materials, and services.

On behalf of the NSC members, we hope you will find useful resources regarding a variety of issues including internet safety, gang awareness, crime, fire and injury prevention, and disaster support.

Every year, Cobb County hosts the Make-A-Wish 5K, a 5-kilometer run the benefits of which are donated to Make-A-Wish® Georgia to grant wishes for Cobb County children with life threatening medical conditions.

Cobb County PARKS manages 78 parks that encompass over 5,000 acres. As the primary provider of leisure services and facilities within the county, the department provides a wide range of athletic, artistic, therapeutic and educational services.
Cobb County PARKS offers numerous recreation programs for adults and children. Join a team, play a sport, play a round of golf, or go for a swim!

"Just 10 minutes northwest of Atlanta, you’ll find everything from entertainment, history and the great outdoors to a stunning array of places to eat, drink and celebrate. It’s easy to explore on your own. But look no further when you need inside info or extra help creating and promoting the perfect adventure, conference or special event. We’re here to advise, help you connect and make you glad to choose Cobb as your destination." - Cobb Travel and Tourism