General Information
- You must register or change your address at least 30 days before an election in Georgia.
- Once you are registered to vote, you will receive a Voter Precinct Card which lists your voting location and representative districts.
- Check your registration and voting information anytime online.

Register to Vote
Use the 'My Voter Page' (MVP) to:
- Register to Vote
- Check your Voter Registration status
- Review your registration information on file with the county office
Qualifications to Register
- You must be a citizen of the United States
- You must be resident of Georgia
- You must be at least 17 1∕2 years old (but you can't vote until you turn 18)
Where to Register
- Register online at the Secretary of State's website
- Visit us in person at our office:
Main Office Address
Monday - Friday
995 Roswell St NE
Marietta, GA 30060
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Call us at 770-528-2581 and we will mail you an application.
- Register to vote when you get your driver's license.
- Register at any Cobb County Library when you apply for a library card, or any time you are at a library you may pick up a blank application and mail it in yourself.
When to Register
- If you are not sure if you are registered, please check first on the Secretary of State's website.
- The last day to register for any election is 30 days prior to that election
- Any mail-in applications must be postmarked by 30 days prior to that election
- If you move, you must notify us 30 days prior to any election
- Note: If you move within Cobb County you must notify us 30 days prior to any election.
- If you have moved at all, do not assume you are still registered. You must notify us of your new address