This New Business Guide is provided as a convenient tool for approaching sequential questions and issues as you take your business from an idea to initial planning, to the commencement of business activities. While this guide covers most of the topics relevant to starting your business, there are variables that may require additional attention. Our team is prepared to answer your questions and to work with you every step of the way.
Business Concierge Services
Cobb County values our business community and understands its importance on our local economy. Whether you are at the initial stage of your business concept or an established business looking to expand, we know there are many variables to consider and we are here to help. Our Business Concierge Services assists current and prospective business owners who are looking to start, expand and relocate their business in Cobb County.
For more information, please contact our Business Concierge Team at econdev@cobbcounty.org or (770) 528-2018.

The Cobb County Economic Development Office is proud to offer open office hours for aspiring entrepreneurs, active entrepreneurs, and small business owners to discuss business resources, review grant applications, and more. Office hours are held weekly on Wednesdays, from 8:30am - 10:30am. Appointments are scheduled in 15-minute increments and are available in-person, on the phone, or virtually.

Every year the Cobb County Economic Development Team meets with hundreds of businesses: big and small. These meetings often include facility tours, and industry-specific interviews with company leadership. Help us help you: this strategic initiative helps us gauge an understanding of each company's plan for current or future growth and the challenges that they may be facing. Our team can connect your leadership with valuable resources and contacts.
Email us to schedule a site visit today.
Please include your business name, location, annual gross revenue, and number of employees.

Access this application on a desktop computer for easiest use. Select your current or potential business location and explore demographics information within 1 mile, 3 miles, or 5 miles. Data is gathered by census tract.

Coworking is a concept that has become very popular over the last couple of years. With the ever growing rise of teleworking and telecommuting, these new, non-traditional work environments are becoming the norm for many individuals in and around the Cobb County area who do not want to deal with the distractions of working from home nor the lengthy commute to the office. This story map will outline where the many Coworking, Accelerator, Incubator, and Entrepreneurial centers are located within Cobb County, while also providing information and links to each facility.

The purpose of the Hospitality & Tourism – Workforce Employee Retention Grant Program is to help offset the cost of retaining and recruiting a workforce in this difficult labor market for four areas of Cobb’s hospitality and tourism industries: arts organizations, live entertainment venues, tourist attractions and craft beverage makers.

Visit the Small Business Administration's Small Business Resource Guide. Learn how to plan, launch, manage, and grow your business.

Cobb County economic development partners received $22 Million in funds to support workforce programs, small and minority business programs, and child care. Visit this article to see a list of disbursements of these economic development ARPA funds.

As Cobb County's American Job Center, CobbWorks provides access to a system of employment and education services for our community. In an increasingly complex workforce and economy, people sometimes need guidance and assistance in managing their career development, particularly when challenged with unexpected events. CobbWorks provides workforce services that assist people in helping themselves and their families.

Greater Wealth Works (GWW) creates an environment in which clients develop income strategies, entrepreneurial skills, business expertise, and overall wellness.
They offer an array of services to give clients the opportunity to create a financially sustainable life for themselves and their families through financial literacy, business ownership, career pathway investment, and leadership development.
Through specialized training courses, one-on-one consultations, group coaching, access to financial resources, and client-exclusive benefits, GWW equip clients with the life skills needed for personal and professional well-being. They celebrate with our clients along the path of their journey to life fulfillment and wealth creation.

The UGA = SBDC at Kennesaw State University's Coles College of Business offers entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses in Cobb and Cherokee County the tools and information they need to thrive.
In addition to free, one-on-one consulting services, they offer continuing education in a variety of subjects, including:
- Loan preparation
- Pricing strategies
- Financial score-carding
- Digital marketing strategy and SEO
- Business plan development
- Product development

Utilize your Cobb County Library Card (FREE for Residents and Business Owners in Cobb) to access books and ebooks, courses, webinars, grants and funding resources, and more. Check out Cobb Library's list of non-profit resources provided by Community Partners.

Check out Cobb Library's marketing resources: Utilize your Cobb County Library Card (FREE for Residents and Business Owners in Cobb) to access books and ebooks, courses, webinars, and more. Create a radio ad, record a voiceover, or create a promotional video at Sewell Mill Library.

Download a Business Plan Workbook, check out business resources, and learn how Cobb Library can help you. and your business.

The Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) is the state’s sales and marketing arm, the lead agency for attracting new business investment, encouraging the expansion of existing industry and small businesses, aligning workforce education and training with in-demand jobs, locating new markets for Georgia products, attracting tourists to Georgia and promoting the state as a destination for arts and location for film, music and digital entertainment projects as well as planning and mobilizing state resources for economic development.

Devoted to fostering strong economic development in Cobb County, SelectCobb is an initiative of the Cobb Chamber that works to attract top-tier enterprises and talent. With our county’s impressive array of competitive advantages to support growth — a skilled workforce, a healthy business climate, and an enviable location — we help businesses create new jobs and expand their existing presence in our county. SelectCobb works with an array of economic development partners to build our workforce, create new investment in the county, and ensure a strong economic future.

SCORE North Metro Atlanta mentors are highly successful and seasoned business professionals and entrepreneurs with the experience and knowledge to help you achieve your small business goals. Browse resources, take a workshop, or find your business mentor today!

Since its founding on July 30, 1953, the U.S. Small Business Administration has delivered millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses.
- SBA provides assistance primarily through its four programmatic functions:
- Access to Capital (Business Financing)
- Entrepreneurial Development (Education, Information, Technical Assistance & Training)
- Government Contracting (Federal Procurement)
- Advocacy (Voice for Small Business)
New Business Phone Directory
Opening a new business is a complicated, though exciting, endeavor. Here are a few numbers and web sites to help you on your way to setting up your new business:
Acworth Power | (770) 917-8903 |
Cobb EMC | (770) 429-2100 |
Georgia Power | (888) 655-5888 |
Greystone Power Corporation | (770) 942-6576 |
Marietta Power | (770) 794-5150 |
Atlanta Gas Light | (877) 427-2464 |
Austell Gas Systems | (770) 948-1841 |
Gas South | (866) 762-6427 |
Georgia Natural Gas | (888) 442-7489 |
SCANA Energy | (877) 467-2262 |
Auto Emission Inspections | (800) 449-2471 |
Auto Tags | (770) 528-4020 |
Better Business Bureau | (404) 688-4910 |
Board of Health | (770) 514-2300 |
Business License Office (Cobb) | (770) 528-8410 |
Cobb Transit (CobbLinc) | (770) 427-4444 |
Cobb County Government | (770) 528-1000 |
Cobb County State Court | (770) 528-1761 |
Department of Sanitation (Marietta) | (770) 794-5595 |
Department of Driver Services | (678) 413-8400 |
Georgia Department of Labor | (770) 528-6100 |
Land Disturbance Permitting | (770) 528-2147 |
Landfill | (770) 528-2500 |
Recycling | (770) 528-1135 |
Solid Waste | (770) 528-2500 |
Zoning | (770) 528-2035 |
Fire Marshal | (770) 528-8310 |