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Zoning and Variance Case Reports, Agendas and Minutes
View the Current CivicClerk Zoning Analysis Upload Calendar
Access to current and recent Zoning and Variance case reports, agendas and minutes can be found in the link below.
Tips for accessing zoning packets and case documents:
- To refine the search, you may use the 'Event Categories' drop down menu. Select a meeting type (i.e. BOC Zoning Hearing, Planning Commission Zoning Hearing, or Board of Zoning Appeals Variance Hearing). The meetings listed will be filtered, this will apply to both Coming and Past Events on the list.
- Locate and select your desired hearing by clicking on the box.
- To download the entire zoning packet, select the download arrow to the right of 'Agenda Packet'.
- For individual file access, you may easily access individual case documents by scrolling down the page and selecting the from the case documents listed.

Click to access Zoning and Variance Case Reports, Agendas and Minutes.
Current and Upcoming Events may not have documents published and will display a blank screen. Please check back later for those documents. Check the Current CivicClerk Zoning Analysis Upload Calendar linked above for information release dates.
Zoning, Variance, and Other Business Requests Map

All documents related to current zoning and variance cases are available online.
You can quickly locate zoning or variance cases near you with our mapping app, or download documents by case number in the monthly tabs below.

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