Cobb Law Library
70 Haynes St.
Fourth Floor, Suite 4300
Marietta, Ga. 30090
Find us on Facebook @cobblawlibrary
The Cobb Law Library provides legal information and resources to all, including the Judiciary, attorneys, paralegals, self-represented litigants and the general public.
Library personnel are committed to providing high-quality service and we recognize the value of access legal information.
Staff may assist with legal research and resources. But, we can not give legal advice or interpret the law for you.
About Us
The Cobb County Law Library was established in 1967.
Pursuant to state legislation, a Board of Trustees is responsible for making all rules and regulations governing the Law Library. Under the direction of the Board of Trustees and the Law Librarian, the Cobb County Law Library was created for the express "use of judges, solicitors, ordinaries and other officers of Cobb County" as a legal research facility. The Law Library is governed by O.C.G.A. 36-15-1 through 36-15-13.
The mission of the Cobb County Law Library is to provide a central location for accessible legal research. Resources include bound print publications, access to online legal research engines, and a collection of legal periodicals.
In 2023, the Cobb County Law Library participated in the Survey of Law Library Services to the Self-Represented Litigant. Click here to see the results and find other research centers near you.

Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Chief Judge A. Gregory Poole, Board Chair
Chief Judge Kelli L. Wolk, Board Treasurer
Chief Judge Eric Brewton
Chief Magistrate Brendan F. Murphy
District Attorney Flynn D. Broday, Jr.
Solicitor General Makia Metzger
Clerk Connie Taylor
Eldon Basham, Attorney
Bill Gentry, Attorney
Board Staff
Matthew Foley, Law Library Director
Erin Mendez, Law Librarian
Superior Court Administrator Christopher Hansard, Secretary of the Board
Library Resources
Computers and Printing
Computers and Printers are available for public use in the library. Printing is only available in black and white and costs $0.25 per page. Printers can make copies as well, however, scanning is not available here. The public computers all have Microsoft Office products available (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.). Computers are intended for legal research, writing or filling out court forms, and printing. Our staff can assist with technology questions and research assistance, but cannot help write or fill out court forms or provide any legal advice.
Select Superior Court forms are available for purchase at the library circulation desk. These include:
- Divorce with Minor Children - $15
- Divorce without Minor Children - $15
- Legitimation - $10
- Child Support Modification - $10
- Change of Custody and Child Support - $6.75
- Name Change of Adult - $5
- Name Change of Minor - $5
- Declaration of Sole Custody - $5
- Contempt - $5
All of these forms can be found online. Check the Superior Court Forms page or the Self-Help Center menu below.
Online Resources
The Law Library subscribes to Westlaw, a legal research database. This is available only within the library and not from home. Patrons can print or email up to 20 articles per session. Westlaw provides access to forms, cases, books, and primary and secondary legal resources for your research. Not sure where to start with your research? Our staff is available to help you learn to use Westlaw.
If you cannot come into the library to use Westlaw, here is a list of resources that are accessible from anywhere. Disclaimer: These resources are not affiliated with Cobb County, Superior Court, or the Law Library. Please use at your own discretion. By using this website and the links provided, you acknowledge and agree that the Superior Court of Cobb County and its staff are not responsible for any errors or omissions on the website, or any site linked within, nor for any damages resulting or alleged to result from its use or application.
Physical Collection & Book Sale
Physical Collection
The library has a collection of texts available for use. These include periodicals, code books, treatises, and the West Key Number System. These are not available to be checked out unless you are a practicing attorney with an active bar number. If you are curious about specific titles we may have, please email or call us at 770-528-1884.
Book Sale
Once the library has acquired new editions of legal publications, old editions are put up for sale at up to significant discounts off the original price.
This is a great way to save on costly legal publications and also a great way to expand your legal collection. Money raised will be used to benefit the continuing education opportunities sponsored by the law library. Come see what we have available! You may also call us at 770-528-1884 if you're looking for a particular title. Bulk discounts are available.
Titles we often have available include:
Georgia Criminal Trial Practice
Georgia Law of Torts
Georgia Criminal and Traffic Law Manual
Georgia Practice and Procedure
Carlson on Evidence
Courtroom to Classroom
Courtroom to Classroom brings fourth and fifth graders from all over Cobb County to get hands on experience with the court process! This program gives students a hands-on experience and a chance to ask legal professionals any questions about the field. This program involves the students conducting a mock criminal trial and is complete with a Jury, Defense and Prosecution Attorneys, Courtroom Staff, and a Judge.
If you are a teacher in Cobb County and are interested in this program, please email to organize an event!
Lawyer in the Library
Seeking legal advice? Come into the library from Monday through Wednesday from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM for a free 30-minute consultation on non-criminal matters with an attorney from Legal Aid. Appointments are first come, first served and based upon qualifications. Please see the library help desk for intake paperwork. Questions? Call the Law Library at (770) 528-1884 or email
We have a series of recorded lectures on legal topics available on The Cobb County YouTube channel. This is a great place to begin your research on a variety of topics. This channel is updated monthly, so please check back regularly to see new content. Topics included in this series are: divorce, child custody, food stamps, veteran's legal issues, and LGTBQ+ legalities.
Self-Help Center
Cobb County Forms and Resources
Disclaimer: The Cobb County Law Library does not provide legal advice, nor is it engaged in the practice of law. This website should be used as a resource for general information, and the content provided should not be used as a substitute for legal advice from a qualified lawyer. According to O.C.G.A. 15-19-51, it is illegal for anyone but a duly licensed attorney to give legal advice. Therefore, we strongly recommend consulting a lawyer to discuss your case and how the law applies to your particular situation. By using this website and the links provided, you acknowledge and agree that the Cobb County Law Library and its staff are not responsible for any errors or omissions on the website, or any site linked from this site, nor for any damages resulting or alleged to result from its use or application.
Cobb County Forms
- Superior Court
- Superior Court Clerk (Real Estate Division)
- State Court (Civil)
- State Court (Criminal)
- Magistrate Court
Obtaining a Non-Military Affidavit - Probate Court
Other Forms and Resources
General Resources
- American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia
- Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
- Atlanta Legal Aid Society
- Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation
- Georgia Innocence Project
- Georgia Justice Project
- Georgia Lawyers for the Arts
- Georgia Legal Services Program (for outside Metro Atlanta)
- Lambda Legal
- Law Library of Congress Research Guides
- Latin American Association (Immigration Services)
- Legal Information Institute
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
- National Archives and Records Administration
- Southern Center for Human Rights
Superior Court Resources
- Child Support Services
- Child Support Worksheet
- Georgia Superior Court Standard Forms and General Instructions
- Vital Records
State Court Resources
- National Center for State Courts Access to Justice Videos
- National Center for State Courts Library eCollection
- State Bar of Georgia
Probate Court Resources
- Council of Probate Court Judges of Georgia
- Georgia Probate Court Standard Forms and General Instructions
Magistrate Court Resources
Juvenile Court Resources
- Department of Juvenile Justice
- Georgia Juvenile Court Standard Forms and General Instructions
- Juvenile Justice Information Exchange
Other Sources for Forms