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Airport Advisory Board


BOC action of June 10, 2008. BOC action of February 9, 2010


This Board shall consist of eleven members serving without compensation. Membership shall be defined as follows:

  1. Five (5) members shall reside in the county who have demonstrated special interest or experience in the Airport and/or aviation (“Resident Members”).  The Commission Chair of the BOC shall appoint one (1) resident member, and each Commissioner shall appoint one (1) resident member to the Board. Each Resident Member shall demonstrate knowledge, training, and/or experience in at least one of the following areas:
    1. Aviation
    2. Finance
  2.  One (1) member shall represent the Fixed Based Operator on the Airport (“FBO Member”). The Fixed Based Operator’s ownership shall appoint one (1) FBO Member to the Board.
  3. One (1) member shall be a District Commissioner who shall function as a liaison between the Board of Commissioners and the Advisory Board, and who shall not have a vote unless needed to break a tie. The Chair of the Board of Commissioners shall appoint the liaison member. The term of the liaison member shall be two years or until the end of the liaison member’s term as District Commissioner, whichever is less.
  4. One (1) member shall be a member of the Development Authority of Cobb County, and shall be appointed by the Development Authority of Cobb County (“Development Authority Member”)
  5. One (1) member shall represent the Town Center Community Improvement District (“CID Member”). The CID shall appoint the CID Member to the Board.
  6. One (1) member shall represent the pilots based at the Airport (“Pilot Member”). Pilots based at the Airport shall be invited to submit a letter of interest to serve, one of which shall be appointed by a Committee composed of the officers of the Board.
  7. One (1) member shall be an elected official of the City of Kennesaw and shall represent the City of Kennesaw. The Mayor of the City of Kennesaw shall appoint the City of Kennesaw Member. The term of the City of Kennesaw member shall be two years or until the end of the member’s term as an elected official of the City of Kennesaw, whichever is less.

The term of office for each member shall be two years, expiring as set forth in Exhibit A or until successors are appointed. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing entity and may be removed with or without cause. Additionally, the BOC may remove any Member for cause after such Member is provided an opportunity to be heard with regard to the reasons for the proposed removal. There shall be no limit on consecutive terms. Except for the members in Post (3) and Post (7), no person who holds a local (county or municipal) elective public office shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Board during the term of such elective office, and the position of any member shall be deemed vacant upon such member qualifying as a candidate for elective public office.

In the event of a vacancy on the Board either by resignation, death, change of residence, removal, or for any reason, the Board Chairman or his designee, within thirty (30) days after such vacancy, shall notify the entity that made the appointment and request a new appointment be made to complete the remaining term. All vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.

The purpose of the Board is to act only in an advisory capacity and to assist the BOC by advising the BOC on subjects within the scope of the Board’s responsibilities set forth below. The Board shall not have the power or authority to bind the County or any officer, agent, or employee thereof, or act in an agency capacity for the County or the BOC. The Board shall specifically have the duty to consider, evaluate, and offer suggestions to the BOC. All such suggestions within the scope of responsibilities as set forth below must be in writing and delivered to the Airport Manager, who will have the responsibility of providing the suggestions to the BOC.

View the full Airport Advisory Board Policy (Amended 10/23/18)


To comply with social distancing guidelines, some meetings are being held virtually until further notice. Regular meetings schedules have also been adjusted.

 The Airport Advisory Board was established for the primary purpose of assisting Cobb County and the Cobb County Board of Commissioners ("BOC") with the future development and use of the Airport by providing vision and suggestions.  The purpose of the Board is to act only in an advisory capacity.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

2022 Meetings

2022 Meeting Calendar

Date Agenda Materials Minutes Virtual Link
February 7 February Agenda     Register as Participant
April 11 April Agenda      
June 6        
August 1        
October 3 October Agenda      
December 5        

2020 Meetings

2020 Meeting Calendar

Month Agenda Materials Minutes
December   December Presentation December Minutes
October October Agenda October Presentation October Minutes
August August Agenda August Presentation August Minutes
June Meeting canceled N/A June 1 Airport Status Update in lieu of Meeting Minutes
April Meeting canceled N/A April 13 Airport Status Update in lieu of Meeting Minutes
February   February Presentation February Minutes (Draft)

NOTICE:  The April 13 and June 1, 2020 Airport Advisory Board Meetings were canceled due to the COVID 19 Public Health Emergency Order. The June 1 Airport Status Report is provided to the Airport Board Members in substitution of these meetings.

Board Members

Member Name Appointed By  Term
Enrico Washington Chairwoman Cupid 12/31/2024
C.B. Fair, III, Chair Commissioner Gambrill 12/31/2026
Joseph Opeyemi Commissioner Sheffield 12/31/2024
Jason Watason  Hawthorne Global 12/31/2025
Clark Hungerford Development Authority of Cobb 12/31/2025
Alisha Smith Town Center CID 12/31/2025
Ed White  Pilot Member 12/31/2025
JoAnn K. Birrell Chairwoman Cupid 12/31/2024
Derek Easterling City of Kennesaw 12/31/2025
Milton Dortch Commissioner Richardson 12/31/2024
Chip Kaczynski Commissioner Birrell 12/31/2026


Airport Manager