Submit Compliments

Cobb County Government strives to provide the best service possible to the public.
If one of our employees made your day or helped you, let us know!

Download this commendation form or contact the Department of Internal Affairs Unit at or 770-528-3812

The Cobb County 911 Communications Center is working to improve the quality of our services.
You can help by rating the services we provided during the phone call you made which requested assistance from a police, fire, or ambulance agency.
Submit Complaints

Cobb County Government strives to provide the best service possible to the public.
If you have some feedback for how we can better serve you, please let us know!

It is our goal to investigate all complaints regarding Cobb County Police procedures or the performance of our officers while ensuring the confidentiality of both the complainant and the subject of the complaint.

Report traffic violations or other traffic complaints.

Online complaints are monitored daily. Response time varies based on complaint priority. If this is an emergency requiring Police and Emergency Medical Support, please call 911.

Complete a service request using our GIS mapping service. You can also see other complaints in your area.

Tenant complaints in unincorporated Cobb County may be filed with the Housing Complaints & Nuisance Abatement Division.

To open up a Nuisance case, the complainant must send in a complaint letter including:
- Nuisance location (property address)
- A brief description of the complaint
- Five (5) signatures of Unincorporated Cobb County citizens

Registration is not required for Code Enforcement Complaints. Select "Code Enforcement" on the top menu and read the disclaimer. Continue to search for an address and submit your inquiry. Anonymous inquiries may be submitted by calling (770) 528-2180 or emailing

The Erosion Control Division responds to resident's inquiries and complaints regarding:
- Best Management Practices (BMP’s) Required – Reference to Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission Field Manual. Vegetative and Structural BMP’s.
- Building Lot Eroding – When sediment or silted water is leaving site with no preventive measures installed.
- Erosion Complaint (no drainage) – If soil is leaving residential building lot.
- Mud in Streets – If erosion is occurring in a public road or right of way.
- Silt Fence Down – Silt fence is down allowing erosion to leave site.
- Erosion issues related to a building or Land Disturbance Permit.