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Cobb Connections

"Cobb Connections: Because We Care"

Cobb Connections is a one-stop resource page for valuable community resources that provides essential information about programs and services that people need to live, learn, and work. Whether you need help with Medicare, emergency assistance, job searching, or housing, our team is here to assist you. We're committed to making a difference in people's lives every day because we care.

Library Resources

Find Help

Whether it’s financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, child care, job training, or other free or reduced-cost services specific to your area, essential resources can be found on Find Help. 

Community Resources

Business, Tax, and Real Estate

Cobb Business License Office

Download forms, permits, and applications for Business Registration and special licenses. Listings for new businesses. Link to the Cobb County Code.

Cobb Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Cobb Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship helps startup companies and individual entrepreneurs develop their businesses by providing a full-scale range of resources from your public library and community partners.

Cobb County Deeds

Real estate records 1977-present on website; older records and certified copies are available at clerk’s office or by mail.

Cobb County Tax Assessor

Search for property in Cobb County by address, owner name, or parcel id. Links to forms for real property and personal property and applications for exemptions.

Cobb County Tax Commissioner

Search for tax records, pay tax bills online, find FAQs about property taxes, obtain information about delinquent taxes, and tax sales including a copy of “Real Property Tax Sales Booklet”, information, information on Mobile Home taxes.

EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval)

EDGAR accepts and maintains forms that companies and others are required by law to file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Federal Trade Commission for Consumer Protection

Information on preventing fraud and identity theft.

Georgia Department of Community Affairs

Programs for homeownership and rental assistance along with housing options including access to a Homeless Assistance Directory by county.

Georgia Department of Revenue

Principal tax collecting agency for the state of Georgia contains links to GTC or Georgia Tax Center for e-File and e-Pay for Sales and Use Tax Withholding Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax Return, Sales Tax Rate changes, Unclaimed property file or locate, check the status of a return or refund, Tax Guide for Georgia citizens, contact info for taxpayer advocate, tax law and policy including Georgia Revenue Rules and Regulations, etc.

Georgia Department of Revenue Forms

Business and Personal tax forms for the State Georgia along with Georgia Department of Revenue telephone and email addresses. Links to individual, estate tax, fiduciary tax, partnership information and reporting forms, corporate income, small business (Sub-S corporation), alcohol and tobacco, motor fuel, sales and use tax, withholding tax, state tax registration and licensing for Georgia.

Georgia Housing Search

Search for rental property throughout the state of Georgia in metropolitan areas or regions and cities. Properties listed can be from private property owners and managers, public housing authorities and private landlords. Helpful resources and tools include renter rights and responsibilities an affordability calculator. Able to search for special needs housing for the disabled.

Georgia Secretary of State

Search for businesses or officers registered with the State of Georgia. Businesses may file online with the state as a profit, non- profit, limited liability, or professional business. Links to “Professional Licensing Boards”, link to Business Resources and Information including “Doing Business in Georgia”.

IRS Forms and Publications

The official source of IRS Products including links to previous years’ tax forms, information on where to file tax forms for both individuals and tax professionals, contact information for Taxpayer Assistance Centers, real estate & personal property auctions throughout the United States, tax fraud alerts and more.

Kennesaw State University Small Business Development Center

Offers entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses in Cobb and Cherokee County the tools and information they need to thrive including no-cost, confidential business consulting services paired with classes and training programs for established business owners and those starting a business.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Families or individuals seeking housing assistance can find basic information about home buying and rental assistance. Resources to help seniors and people with disabilities. HUD forms, handbooks, publications, and grant applications. Information and resources for avoiding foreclosure.

US Small Business Administration

The place to find information for starting and managing a business, grants and loans, and training.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Get information on patent and trademark processes. Includes forms and filing information along with a Patent Search Database and a search for pending and registered marks.

United States Postal Service

Look up a zip code by address, city or business. Information on doing business with USPS, links to forms pertaining to the U.S. Mail, links to USPS Policies and Procedures, and links to Postal Service Directives.

City of Austell Flood Ordinance

The following information is provided by the City of Austell.  Questions should be directed to Austell Public Works at (770) 944-4325 option 4.

City of Austell Floodplain website:

FEMA Flood Map Service Center for Flood Insurance Study and FIRM's Maps:

  • To utilize, click 'Search All Products'
    • State: GA
    • County: Cobb
    • Community: Austell
  • For FIRM Panels and FIS Reports, look under Effective Products folder.
  • For Historic Products FIRM Panels and FIS Reports, look under Historic Products folder.

Computers and Internet

Affordable Connectivity Program

The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more.

The benefit provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price.

The Affordable Connectivity Program is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.

Connecting Cobb

Cobb County Public Library is committed to bridging the digital divide and providing digital access to residents across the county, whether inside the library or at home.

The library provides free desktop computer use and free Wi-Fi at all of its libraries. Additionally, you can check out a Chromebook for in-library use.

Hotspots and Chromebooks are available for check out for use at home and on the go.

Lifeline Link-Up Assistance Program

The Lifeline program helps qualifying low-income consumers access voice and/or broadband services. The FCC™ 2016 Lifeline order allows low-income consumers to apply the $9.25 per month discount to stand-alone broadband service as well as bundled voice and data service packages. In order to qualify for the Lifeline Assistance credit, you must provide proof and certify under penalty of perjury that you are currently participating in one of the following programs:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Medicaid
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance
  • Tribal-specific programs: Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TTANF), Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), Head Start
  • Income at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
  • Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit Programs

Lifeline Wireless Program

Medicaid members are eligible for a free smartphone with unlimited talk, text, and data under the Lifeline Wireless Program.


Cobb County Adult Education

Cobb Adult Education’s mission is to teach adult students the literacy skills necessary to become productive, responsible, well-adjusted members of the community thus improving the quality of life for all Georgians.

Cobb County Schools

CCSD is responsible for educating more than 106,000 students in a diverse, constantly changing suburban environment. Visit this website for information the schools and services they provide.

ESL Classes

View a series of ESL classes provided by Family Kickstart Georgia.


Federal Student Aid, an office of the U.S. Department of Education, ensures that all eligible individuals can benefit from federally funded financial assistance for education beyond high school. We consistently champion the promise of postsecondary education to all Americans —and its value to our society.


Get information on financial aid, student loans, and more. From the Georgia Student Finance Commission.

Georgia Board of Regents

The University System of Georgia oversees 35 colleges and universities: four research universities, two regional universities, 13 state universities, eight state colleges, and eight two-year colleges. These institutions enroll more than 283,000 students and employ over 40,000 faculty and staff to provide teaching and related services to students and the communities in which they are located.

Georgia Department of Education

Includes standards, districts, curriculum, parent guide and calendar.

Georgia Virtual School

Online courses for public, private and homeschooled students.

A database of online and distance education programs offered through the 35 accredited institutions within the University System of Georgia.

Marietta City Schools

Marietta City Schools (MCS) serve some 8,000 students at eight elementary choice schools—one of which is a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Magnet—one middle school, one sixth-grade school, and one high school. Visit this website for information about these schools and the services they provide.

Teacher Certifications

Information from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission on becoming a teacher in Georgia.




A service of the Department of Labor. Learn about different careers, find career information, and locate career resources with CareerOneStop.

Cobb County Human Resources

Listing of jobs available in Cobb County.

CobbWorks (WorkSource GA)

CobbWorks provides access to a system of employment and education services for our community.

Digital Skills for Employment

LinkedIn, Microsoft, and GitHub are offering free learning paths mapped to jobs that are in-demand, discounted Microsoft certifications to validate skills, and best practices for job searching and interview prepping, so you can put your best foot forward.

Georgia Department of Labor

Find a job, find information on job training, unemployment benefits, and more.

Grow with Google Workforce Development

Pat Ball, Branch Manager of Stratton Library, presents a Grow With Google workshop in partnership with Cobb County Public Library and WorkSource Cobb.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace. A service of the Office of Disability Employment Policy and the Department of Labor.

Unemployment Benefits

Apply for unemployment benefits with the Georgia Department of Labor.

United States Department of Labor

Find jobs and information on working for the federal government.

Financial Assistance and Benefits


Information from the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance. Includes forms, information on the types of bankruptcy, and credit counseling services.

Career One Stop

US Department of Labor website for jobs.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

Database of Federal programs available to State and local governments.

Child Support

Georgia guidelines and worksheets.

Cobb County Senior Services

Get information on programs for seniors in Cobb County.

COMPASS: Food Stamps, Child Support, Housing Assistance, and more

Visit this page for information on Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, Child Care, WIC, Energy Assistance, Food Assistance, Child Support Services, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Aging Services, Community Services Block Grant Funds, or Housing Assistance. From the Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Family and Child Services.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The Consumer Bureau is working to give consumers the information they need to understand the terms of their agreements with financial companies.

Federal Grants, Loans, and Financial Aid

Federal Student Aid

Federal financial assistance – grants, loans, and work-study programs for education beyond high school.


Federal Emergency Management Agency


State of Georgia help for financial aid and scholarship search including Hope Scholarship.


Georgia Emergency Management Agency

Georgia Relay

A free public service, Georgia Relay enables people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech disabled to communicate with anyone who uses a standard phone.

Government Benefits

Official benefits site of US government.

Find and apply for federal government grants.

Learn how the health care law affects you at The official site of the Health Insurance Marketplace. See your health insurance choices.

Lifeline Link-Up Assistance Program

The Lifeline program helps qualifying low-income consumers access voice and/or broadband services. The FCC™ 2016 Lifeline order allows low-income consumers to apply the $9.25 per month discount to stand-alone broadband service as well as bundled voice and data service packages. In order to qualify for the Lifeline Assistance credit, you must provide proof and certify under penalty of perjury that you are currently participating in one of the following programs:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Medicaid
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance
  • Tribal-specific programs: Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TTANF), Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), Head Start
  • Income at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
  • Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit Programs

Lifeline Wireless Program

Medicaid members are eligible for a free smartphone with unlimited talk, text, and data under the Lifeline Wireless Program. Learn more and apply at:

Meals on Wheels Atlanta Home Repair Services

Meals On Wheels Atlanta (MOWA) manages a first-come, first-served grant-funded home repair services program for eligible Cobb County homeowners. The program aims to provide single-family residential system upgrades and health and safety modifications for seniors, veterans, and low-income homeowners of Cobb County at 80% and below the area median income.

Meals on Wheels Atlanta Home Repair Services

Medicaid / Medicare

Apply for Medicaid or Medicare benefits.

SafeLink Wireless

A program providing free cell phones and minutes for income-eligible participants.

Small Business Administration

Links to grants for starting a business.

Social Security

Apply for retirement, Social Security, disability, Medicare, and other benefits.

US Census Bureau

Find statistical data.

US Department of Veterans Affairs

US Government Catalog

Catalog of US Government publications.


Learn about and apply for unemployment benefits. Georgia Department of Labor.

US government’s official web portal.

Veterans Benefits

The Georgia Department of Veterans Services provides information on benefits for veterans, including tax exemption.


Supports low-income women and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing foods to supplement diets.


Cobb & Douglas County Public Health

The Cobb & Douglas Public Health Centers provide personal health services for children, adolescents, and adults. Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Child health, Women’s Health, Refugee services, and more.

» CDPH Health Services Guide

Controlled Substance Public Disposal Locations - Search Utility

Enter a zip code or a city and state to find facilities that will accept unused medication for disposal. This website is run by the Department of Justice's Diversion Control Division.

Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities


Cobb Behavioral Health Crisis Center, part of Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities offers support for mental illness, substance use, and co-occurring disorders.

Georgia Families

Choose a health plan and a Primary Care Provider for each member in your family who is in Medicaid or PeachCare for Kids.

Georgia PeachCare

Affordable health insurance is available to Georgia’s uninsured children.

Health and Wellness

Cobb County Public Library provides a range of free health and wellness resources online and in the print collection, through programming at library branches and in the community. Cobb Library offers healthy living resources for people of all ages and abilities. Your Cobb libraries are committed to promoting and supporting healthy communities and you.

Learn how the health care law affects you at The official site of the Health Insurance Marketplace. See your health insurance choices.


As the largest division in Community Health, Medicaid Division administers the Medicaid program, which provides health care for children, pregnant women, and people who are aging, blind and disabled. New to Medicaid? Find all that you need by visiting this website.

Medicaid Redetermination

Find resources to help Georgia’s Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids® members and communities prepare for eligibility checks beginning in April 2023 through May 2024.

» FAQs

» Resources

Radon Test Kit

The award-winning Georgia Radon Education Program is a partnership funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency among the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) Extension Service, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), and Southface Energy Institute to educate Georgians on actions to take to protect themselves from the risk of developing lung cancer caused by the unwelcome entry of radon gas in our homes.

State of Georgia Health Information

Information on health services for yourself and your family, learn more about foster care and adoption, access vital records and find housing information.

Legal Information and Vital Records


Information from the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance. Includes forms, information on the types of bankruptcy, and credit counseling services.

Career One Stop

US Department of Labor website for jobs.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

Database of Federal programs available to State and local governments.

Child Support

Georgia guidelines and worksheets.

Cobb County Senior Services

Get information on programs for seniors in Cobb County.

COMPASS: Food Stamps, Child Support, Housing Assistance, and more

Visit this page for information on Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, Child Care, WIC, Energy Assistance, Food Assistance, Child Support Services, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Aging Services, Community Services Block Grant Funds, or Housing Assistance. From the Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Family and Child Services.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The Consumer Bureau is working to give consumers the information they need to understand the terms of their agreements with financial companies.

Federal Grants, Loans, and Financial Aid

Federal Student Aid

Federal financial assistance – grants, loans, and work-study programs for education beyond high school.


Federal Emergency Management Agency


State of Georgia help for financial aid and scholarship search including Hope Scholarship.


Georgia Emergency Management Agency

Georgia Relay

A free public service, Georgia Relay enables people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech disabled to communicate with anyone who uses a standard phone.

Government Benefits

Official benefits site of US government.

Find and apply for federal government grants.

Learn how the health care law affects you at The official site of the Health Insurance Marketplace. See your health insurance choices.

Medicaid / Medicare

Apply for Medicaid or Medicare benefits.

SafeLink Wireless

A program providing free cell phones and minutes for income-eligible participants.

Small Business Administration

Links to grants for starting a business.

Social Security

Apply for retirement, Social Security, disability, Medicare, and other benefits.

US Census Bureau

Find statistical data.

US Department of Veterans Affairs

US Government Catalog

Catalog of US Government publications.


Learn about and apply for unemployment benefits. Georgia Department of Labor.

US government’s official web portal.

Veterans Benefits

The Georgia Department of Veterans Services provides information on benefits for veterans, including tax exemption.


Supports low-income women and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing foods to supplement diets.


Cobb County Senior Services

Cobb County's Senior Services Department offers many services and resources for seniors. Visit their website to learn more.

Severe Weather


Make The Connection

Connect with stories of help and hope. Veterans and their loved ones talk about their experiences, challenges, and recovery.

Mental Health Resources @

The US Department of Veterans Affairs aims to address Veterans’ needs from the moment they transition out of the military through their reintegration into civilian life and beyond. Nothing is more important to VA than supporting the health of the nation’s Veterans and their families. Overall health includes mental well-being, which VA supports with timely access to high-quality, evidence-based mental health care.

Veterans Affairs

The US Department of Veterans Affairs provides health, education, disability, funerary, and financial benefits earned by Veterans of the United States Armed Forces.

Veterans Crisis Line

24/7, confidential crisis support for Veterans and their loved ones. You don't have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect.