The Accessibility Services Department implements inclusive programs and services that are considerate of the needs of patrons living with mental, physical, and developmental disabilities. Additionally, we assist patrons in connecting to state and local resources beneficial to their individual needs.

Sensory Book Bundles are now available for checkout! Each kit includes 5 preschool-aged sensory books with a mini set of activities that target fine motor skills and information for parents and caregivers about other useful resources.

Books By Mail is a free service that provides library materials to Cobb County residents who are unable to visit the library because of a physical disability, long-term illness, and/or lack of transportation. Get started here!

Our friends at Georgia Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled have launched a new, more accessible website! Click here to visit.
Materials and Equipment Available for In-Branch Use
Listed below are accessible materials and equipment available at our libraries.
Switzer Library | Other CCPL Locations | All CCPL Locations |

Disability Pride Month , July 2023
Mental Health Awareness Month, May 2023
Autism Acceptance Month, April 2023
Disability Pride Month, July 2022
Local and State Resources
Cobb County Paratransit Services
Paratransit service is an ADA, shared-ride service for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities who are unable to access the local fixed-route bus.
Georgia Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
GCDHH’s mission is to provide support, technology, education, communication, and employment services to Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deafened, Deaf-Blind and non-verbal individuals and their families in Georgia.
Georgia Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
Accessible reading materials for those unable to read standard print due to a disability. Accessible technology, e-books, large print, free talking book players and telephone books clubs. Staff is able to certify applications!
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
GCDD's mission is to bring about social and policy changes that promote opportunities for the wide spectrum of diverse people/persons with developmental disabilities and their families to live, learn, work, play, and worship in their communities.
Georgia Radio Reading Service (GaRRS)
Stream local and national newspapers, books, magazines and events. Free and available 24/7 online, on the app, radio or telephone.
Georgia Relay is a free public service provided by the State of Georgia to make communicating by telephone easy, accessible, and reliable for everyone, including people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or have difficulty speaking.
Georgia Tech Assistive Technology and Environmental Access
Services for individuals with disabilities include on-demand braille services, e-text in accessible formats, captioning and described audio and assistive technology solutions.
National Federation of the Blind Newsline
Free audio news service for anyone who is blind, low-vision or deafblind. Access more than 500 publications, job listings and emergency weather alerts.
Job training and employment assistance for people with disabilities. Hands-on training, technical skills and career support.