FAQ Topics
New driveways must be approved, though there is not a separate permit process. Most driveway locations are approved through the Plan Review process, either as part of getting an approved Land Disturbance Permit (LDP) or an approved final plat.
If the driveway location was not included in the LDP or final plat, the new driveway should be reviewed by Cobb County DOT Plan Review and Cobb County DOT Traffic Operations. If approved, DOT Plan Review will issue a driveway approval letter. This is also a required part of the street address assignment process if this is the initial driveway access to the property.
If the driveway location is on a state route, GDOT does require a driveway encroachment permit. Approval of these driveways is under GDOT’s jurisdiction. Cobb County DOT does need a copy of the approved GDOT permit as part of the Plan Review process.
Either can reach out to Cobb County DOT to request the driveway review. We require the address and a sketch of the proposed driveway details. The approval letter is issued for the property, so the home owner should be the final holder of the letter.
Yes. They should meet the Cobb County Development Standards for driveways. The current Cobb County Development Standards can be downloaded by visiting the Cobb County Community Development webpage and clicking “Forms.”
Specifically, driveways need to meet the requirements of Section 402.7 Residential Driveways or Section 402.8 Non-Residential Driveways. The associated standard drawings are Standard 116R for residential and Standard 116 for commercial, respectively. Driveways must also meet Utility Standard 80 so the contractor will not impact utilities within the right-of-way.
In addition, driveways must meet the national sight distance requirements. Sight distance is the length of roadway visible to a driver. Having sufficient sight distance for vehicles entering or leaving a driveway is a public safety concern. Cobb County follows the requirements for minimum intersection sight distance (ISD) found in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, commonly referred to as “the Green Book.” ISD varies by roadway based on number of lanes and speed. The required distances are also included in Standard 401B Intersection Sight Distance. If the original location of a driveway request does not meet minimum ISD, the driveway may have to be moved or a sight distance easement may have to be obtained from the adjacent property.
If the driveway has not been approved by Cobb County DOT, there could be liability implications for the owner.
There is no Cobb County charge for driveway approvals. Most driveway locations are approved through the Plan Review process, either as part of getting an approved Land Disturbance Permit (LDP) or an approved final plat.
Driveways accessing a state road require a Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Encroachment Permit and are subject to GDOT approval and associated fees. Those payments are handled through GDOT and not Cobb County.
Cobb DOT approval needs to be obtained for any work within the County right-of-way. Other site improvements, such as patios, porches and sidewalks, should be reviewed by Cobb County Community Development as there may be requirements such as setbacks or impervious surface limits.
It is free to view bids online using BidExpress. It is also free to download as many digital IDs as you need to submit bids. But, there is a $25 per bid submission fee that is paid to BidExpress. Vendors may also choose to do a monthly subscription of $50 for unlimited bids. Vendors using BidExpress will get electronic notification of all bid addendums.
You can call BidExpress Customer Service at (888) 352-2439 for help or instructions or go to bidexpress.com. Info Tech’s Customer Service has been extremely helpful.
BidExpress Customer Service at (888) 352-2439 between the hours of 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday – Friday.
Yes, the online BidExpress process has been required for all sealed bids to Cobb DOT beginning October, 2014. This online process has improved overall efficiency of the bid process.
Vendors may continue to submit paper bid bonds or certified checks when submitting online bids. Paper bid bonds or certified checks must be turned in to the Cobb County Purchasing Department by Bid Opening time for the bid to be considered responsive.
However, with BidExpress, Vendors are strongly encouraged to use an electronic bid bond number online with their bid through BidExpress. Vendors should contact Surety 2000 or Surepath to set this up and get a valid bid bond number. Bid bond numbers will be verified through BidExpress and Vendors will be notified immediately if the bid bond number is not valid.
Cobb DOT will continue to maintain a plan holders list, but will only include Vendors that purchased bid documents or plans from Cobb DOT. Vendors that purchased bid documents from BidExpress will be listed on the BidExpress website.