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Resurfacing of East Piedmont Road

Road Closure Sign and Cones
July 16, 2024

As part of the County’s 2022 SPLOST resurfacing program, contractors are scheduled to begin roadway resurfacing of East Piedmont Road on Thursday, July 18. Nightly resurfacing will take place between 7:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. from Piedmont Forest Court to Sandy Plains Road and is expected to last through the end of July, weather permitting.

The work will be completed in two phases. The initial phase will consist of milling and patching of the existing pavement of the road. The second phase will consist of installing new roadway surface and will commence shortly after phase one.

Please expect minor traffic delays during construction. Traffic control measures will be in place along the corridor. Please obey all posted signage and be careful if driving in the area.

For more information on the status and location of other 2024 resurfacing efforts, please visit