Active Studies
Cobb Parkway at McCollum Parkway Realignment Study
Cobb County DOT has commenced work to conduct a Scoping Study for the area of Cobb Parkway at McCollum Parkway/Kennesaw Due West Road and Old 41 Highway.
Cobb Parkway at McCollum Parkway Existing Conditions Report
The County’s objectives of this study are:
- To understand and analyze the existing traffic patterns
- To accommodate the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved safety zone at Cobb International Airport
- To promote the involvement of all stakeholders in the study area
- To develop at least three minimum conceptual alternatives
- To select a preferred alternative
- To evaluate relative cost, feasibility, and constructability of alternative alignments and sections in logical phases or segments.
Through the study, the County along with its consultants, will work to better understand the traffic patterns and the issues and needs of users of the corridor to develop solutions to improve mobility. The process will result in a selected alternative for further study.
Along with data collection and analysis, stakeholder and public involvement will play a key role in assisting the study team to identify issues, develop potential solutions and evaluate alternatives. It will include a variety of outreach tools and techniques to connect and engage including a Stakeholder Committee, public meetings, and a survey.
The study is anticipated to conclude in winter of 2024.
“We need your input! Click here to provide your ideas for improving the corridor”
Please contact the County’s Project Manager Juliane Dixon-Crump at or the Consultant Team Project Manager LN Manchi at for any questions or comments you may have regarding the study.
Past Events
Public Open House Meeting 2
November 13, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Ben Roberson Community Center
2753 Watts Drive
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Public Meeting Display Boards November 13, 2024
Public Meeting 1
May 11, 2023
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Ben Roberson Community Center
2753 Watts Drive
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Study Documents
Public Meeting Display Boards May 11, 2023
Active Studies
Factory Shoals Pedestrian Bridge Study
Cobb County is carrying out a focused study of the Factory Shoals Road and I-20 area to better understand mobility and pedestrian safety needs for crossing I-20 and within the surrounding study area near Factory Shoals Road and I-20. The study kicked off in spring 2024 with completion planned for spring 2025. The planning effort will result in recommendations and a preferred plan of action for safer pedestrian conditions in the study area (see below for map).
The study team will consider pedestrian connections over I-20 at Factory Shoals, transit implementation improvements, and other potential roadway safety improvements needed in the area. Recommended connections or improvements will improve travel for those who rely on walking and/or transit to reach their daily needs.
Cobb County is dedicated to providing safe and equitable travel routes for all travelers – pedestrians, transit riders, cyclists, and drivers - throughout the county.
The community’s experiences traveling in the area are a key part of the study! Scroll down for ways to participate.
Study Schedule
How You Can Participate
A major component of the study is collecting input from community members like you!
It is crucial that we hear about your experiences in this area and how the County can help make travel easier and safer, particularly for those walking, biking, or taking transit. Community members can get involved by participating in the online survey linked below or by attending public meetings. More information is below.
The community survey for the Factory Shoals Pedestrian Study closed on September 30, 2024, after being open for two months.
The study team heard from over 100 community members. The survey gathered input regarding experiences traveling in the Factory Shoals area and concerns and suggestions to improve the connection and safety when crossing I-20.
A summary of survey results will be posted soon.
Future Events
Public Outreach: Information Booth
November 9, 2024
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
South Cobb Recreation Center
875 Riverside Parkway, Austell, GA 30168
This initiative will build awareness about the study. The planning team will share highlights from public input collected to date and discuss preliminary considerations for roadway safety and connectivity improvements.
Public Meeting 2 (February 2025)
This meeting will take place during the review of the concept development for the alternatives. It will be focused on sharing the preferred improvement alternative(s) and recommendations, potentially sharing some preliminary concept drawings.
Meeting details will be added closer to the meeting date.
Past Events
Public Meeting 1
August 27, 2024
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
South Cobb Community Center, 620 Lions Club Dr., SW
Mableton, GA 30126
The first public meeting shared information about the study process and goals. Attendees shared their experiences traveling in the study area and helped identify needed safety and connectivity improvements, particularly as relates to walking, traveling by bus, and biking in the area.
See attachments:
Study Area
Stakeholder Group and Related Activities
A group of key community members and leaders are meeting three times during the study process to provide information and feedback to inform the study. Additionally, the study team will be holding focused discussions and interviews with unique groups within the study area, including industrial area businesses and users with a special relationship to the area.
If you feel your group would benefit from a focused conversation with the study team, please contact us using the information below.
Contact Us
Please contact the County’s Project Manager at or the Consultant Team Project Manager at with questions or comments.
Completed Roadway Studies & Plans
Cobb Parkway at Windy Hill Road Grade Separation Scoping Study
Cobb Parkway (US41/SR 3) at Windy Hill Road Grade Separation Scoping Study (2016 SPLOST - X2540)
The Cobb Parkway (US41/SR 3) at Windy Hill Road Grade Separation Scoping Study will explore alternatives to improve traffic operation and safety at this heavily traveled intersection. Alternatives will be considered to grade separate Cobb Parkway and Windy Hill Road to eliminate some of the vehicle conflicts that are strangling the operation of this critical intersection. Grade separation involves aligning the roadways at different heights to reduce disruption of traffic flow when they cross each other. Other alternatives that do not physically grade separate the two roads will also be considered.
Each alternative will be appraised by a variety of factors including safety, traffic operation, cost, right-of-way (ROW), accessibility to adjacent commercial development, bicycle and pedestrian movements, constructability, and aesthetics. Stakeholder and public involvement will play a key role in identifying issues, developing potential solutions and evaluating alternatives, and as such will include a variety of outreach tools and techniques to connect and engage. The process will result in a recommended alternative for future further study.
The Cobb Parkway at Windy Hill Road intersection has long been recognized as a major source of congestion and travel delay, both locally and regionally. The project to grade separate the intersection is identified in the 2015 Cobb County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) and included in the 2016 and 2022 Cobb County SPLOST. Additionally, it is an approved roadway project in the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), which allocates federal funds for the highest-priority projects in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). This scoping study is the first step in the process to identify the appropriate improvements and determine their feasibility for this complex project.
Study Documents
Existing Conditions Analysis Report
Final Report (completed October 2022)
Public Involvement
Public Information Open House Presentation (3/16/2022)Stakeholder Steering Committee Workshop (2/2/2022)Stakeholder Steering Committee Meeting #2 (12/15/2021)Stakeholder Steering Committee Meeting #1 (11/17/202)
Austell Road Access Management Study
Supplemental Study Report (2009)
Major Thoroughfare Plan (2009)
Senior Adult Transportation Study (2007)
Cobb DOT has completed the Senior Adult Transportation Study, a study to improve accessibility and mobility for older adults living in Cobb County. This study helps identify ways to make better use of and improve existing transportation resources and options for Cobb County senior adults.