If you received a jury summons click below to Confirm your Jury Attendance as instructed on your summons

- Have you received a summons for jury duty?
- Were you instructed to check the night before your first day of reporting as instructed on the jury summons you received?
- Were you instructed to check the website for Reporting Instructions
If you are received a Grand Jury summons, please click the "Grand Juror Information" link located on the left menu bar.
Contact Information and Parking
(770) 528-1757-- (press "1" for Juror message & Daily Juror Instructions)
(770) 528-1808 --(Fax)
Email: superiorcourtjury@cobbcounty.org
If you need to drop off any juror forms, including completed exemption forms, you can do so from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Parking Information for Jurors
Jury Parking: Jurors can park for free in the designated lots below. Parking in undesignated areas may result in parking violations for which the court is not responsible.
Jury Lot A: 147 Dobbs St. Marietta GA 30060
Jury Lot B: 122 Waddell St. NE, Marietta GA 30060
Parking Deck P: 191 Lawrence St. Marietta GA 30060 (please bring your white ticket inside to be validated)
Juror Orientation Video
General Information
The Constitution of the United States guarantees everyone the right to a trial by a jury of their peers. Therefore, juries have a long-standing tradition in American jurisprudence. The Superior Court Jury Administration Office is responsible for summoning citizens of Cobb County to serve as petit and grand jury jurors. Petit jurors can serve on either criminal or civil jury trials, while grand jurors hand down indictments in criminal actions and perform other types of investigatory functions.
The Superior Court Jury Administration office is responsible for summoning jurors for the judges serving on the Superior Court Bench. The office communicates with jurors to provide information regarding their jury duty. The office provides jurors with information pertaining deferral and statutory exemption requests. On the first day, when jurors report, they are checked in and given an orientation on the juror process. The judges know that time is valuable, and the presence of jurors plays an essential role in helping the court conduct its business. Jurors are essential to our justice system.
Jurors will be required to go through a security check point before proceeding to the Jury Assembly Room. Please plan to arrive a little early as all jurors are required to go through the check point. Pursuant to court security protocols, guns, knives, mace, scissors and similar type weapons are not permitted in the court building. Your clearance through our security screening will be expedited by not having these items in your possession.
Residents of Cobb County continue to receive fraudulent phone calls claiming that the victim failed to appear for jury duty in Superior or State Court of Cobb County. The scammer tells the victim that he or she can avoid arrest by making a payment, which may include purchasing a pre-paid card—such as a Green Dot card or gift card—and then giving the card number to the scammer.
The scammer may sound convincing and use real information about the victim; real court addresses; and real names of law enforcement officers, court officials, and judges to make the scam appear more credible. Scammers may even “spoof” the phone number on caller ID so that the call falsely appears to be from a court number or the number of another government agency.
- The court will always send a jury summons by U.S. Mail.
- The court and law enforcement will never demand payment over the phone.
- The court and law enforcement will never demand a gift card number to satisfy an obligation.
- A prospective juror who disregards a jury summons will be contacted through the mail by the court and may, in certain circumstances, be ordered to appear before a judge. Such an order will always be in writing and signed by the judge.
- A fine will never be imposed until after the individual has appeared in court and been given the opportunity to explain his or her failure to appear. If a fine is imposed, it will be in open court and reduced to writing (and will not be payable by gift card number).
FBI Warns of the Impersonation of Law Enforcement and Government Officials
If you have received a scam phone call or if you wish to verify whether you have been summoned for jury duty in Cobb County, contact the jury office at 770-528-1757 or the Cobb County Sheriff's Fraud and Forgery Unit at 770-499-4700.
Receiving a Jury Summons
When you receive a Jury Summons from Cobb Superior Court, it is a legal summons that requires you to appear as a potential juror. You have been randomly selected by a computer to provide a good cross-section of the community. It is a United States Citizen’s highest privilege and patriotic duty. It also gives you an opportunity to see how the courts in your community function under the law. Georgia law requires that it is mandatory that you serve as a juror unless you have a legal exemption under the Georgia State Law. A person’s occupation, business, or economic status is not a legal exemption.
When you receive your jury summons, please read it carefully for all the instructions and information located on the front and back of the summons. This will provide all the information you will need regarding your jury service. Keep your summons and bring it with you on the days you are required to report.
Jury Service General Information
Your jury service can last an average of one week unless otherwise directed by the judge. You will be asked to call the voice mail or check our website each evening after 6:00 p.m. to see if you must report for jury duty the next day. A juror is paid $50 per day for the days they are required to report in person. When you are not required to appear for jury duty, you can resume your normal daily activities.
Jurors will receive $50 per day compensation for the days they report in person at the courthouse.
In the event of inclement weather, jurors should check local news channels, CobbTV, or the Cobb County Government website for reporting times and possible court closings.
Guns, knives, mace, scissors and similar type weapons are not permitted in the State Court Building. Your clearance through our security screening will be expedited by not having these items in your possession.
The Jury Assembly Room is equipped with a wireless network that is available for jurors. Cell phones and other personal electronic devices including laptops, tablets, etc. are allowed in the Jury Assembly Room. Please be sure to bring headphones or earbuds for use with devices that have audio.
- Don’t research the case online in any way, including searching for information about the attorneys or judge.
- Don’t communicate anything about the case via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any online messaging service.
- Follow instructions by the judge or other court personnel.
- Immediately report unauthorized use of the Internet or social media to the judge or authorized court personnel.
Vending machines are available with a variety of drinks and snacks. Jurors are encouraged to bring their own water bottles (no glass) and/or snacks while waiting in the Jury Assembly Room.
If you are appearing for jury duty, you should dress in a manner that shows respect for the Court.
- NO uniform clothing from your place of employment
- NO gym clothes/athletic wear
- NO pajama pants
- NO clothing advertising a product or containing profanity/controversial content
- NO shorts or short skirts that are overly revealing
Rules of the Court
Granting Exemptions
Under Georgia State Law, exemptions can be granted to the following properly documented persons:
- Persons who are permanently disabled either mentally or physically, will be excused upon receipt of proper documentation from their medical physician. The documentation must state a permanent disability exists to excuse you. A Medical Affidavit is located on the website.
- Persons age 70 or older who do not wish to serve may request to be inactivated from jury duty by requesting their name be removed from the jury list.
- Full-time students at a college, university, vocational school or other post-secondary school who request to be excused or deferred must provide documentation from their school registrar's office. This must be submitted prior to jury date.
- Any person who is a primary caregiver having active care and custody of a child six years of age or under who has no alternative child care available must sign an affidavit available on the website.
- Persons who is the primary unpaid caregiver for a person OVER the age of six; who completes an affidavit stating that such primary caregiver is responsible for the care of a person with such physical or cognitive limitations the he or she is unable to care for himself or herself and cannot be left unattended and that a primary caregiver has no reasonably available alternative to provide for care. The documentation must be filled out by a physician or other medical provider and submitted prior to your jury service date.
- If you are a primary teacher in a home you may request to be excused or deferred if you are in a home study program and have no reasonably available alternative teacher.
- Active Military member or the spouse of an Active Military member on ordered military duty can request to be excused or deferred. An affidavit or a copy of your current military orders must be submitted prior to jury date.
Exemption Forms
Once the exemption form is completed and notarized (if applicable), you can email it by scanning it (pdf format) or taking a picture
via superiorcourtjury@cobbcounty.org. The notary stamp must be visible. You can also upload and submit your exemption request here
Jurors can request a maximum of a possible one-time postponement. A postponement request must be made in writing no later than two weeks prior to your service date. All postponements are granted or denied under the court's discretion, in accordance with the court's needs and the juror's previous number of granted requests.
The postponement time frame is no later than eight weeks up to ten weeks from your original service date. For a longer deferment, the juror must have a doctor's letter or medical affidavit with an expected recovery time.
We need a written request for our records as to why you would like to postpone.
You can also submit a postponement through our jury services website by clicking here
Juror Donation Program
As a juror in Cobb County Superior Court, you have the unique opportunity to give even more back to your community through our Juror Fee Donation Program.
The money would go to capital improvement projects & operating purposes only. You will receive a certificate showing the amount you donated and to which area. Your donation is tax deductible. Only one choice can be made. Your choices will be:
- Cobb County Animal Shelter
- Cobb Trees Program
- Cobb Parks and Recreation
- Cobb Public Library System
- Cobb Sheriff's Foundation
- Cobb Senior Services
- Bravo Victor Fund--Veteran's Accountability Court
- Drug Treatment Court
- Mental Health Court
- Sober Streets, Inc--DUI Accountability Court
For further information on how you can donate your jury pay, please email jury administration via: superiorcourtjury@cobbcounty.org
The donation program is completely optional.
Georgia State Law for Jurors Regarding Employment
34-1-3. Discrimination against employee for attending a judicial proceeding in response to a court order or process; exception to applicability of Code section:
(a) It shall be unlawful for any employer or the agent of such employer to discharge, discipline, or otherwise penalize an employee because the employee is absent from his or her employment for the purpose of attending a judicial proceeding in response to a subpoena, summons for jury duty, or other court order or process which requires the attendance of the employee at the judicial proceeding. It shall be unlawful for any employer or the agent of such employer to threaten to take or communicate an intention of taking any action declared to be unlawful by this subsection.
(b) Any employer or agent of such employer who violates subsection (a) of this Code section shall be liable to the injured employee for all actual damages thereby suffered by the employee and for reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the employee in asserting a successful claim under this Code section.
(c) This Code section shall not apply to an employee who is charged with a crime, nor shall it prohibit an employer from requiring an employee to abide by regulations requiring reasonable notification to an employer of the employee’s expected absence or delay in reporting to work in order to attend a judicial proceeding.
Code 1981, § 34-1-3, enacted by Ga. L. 1987, p. 1156, § 1; Ga. L. 1990, p. 590, § 2.
Employee is entitled to pay while serving jury duty. – An employee is entitled to be paid his salary while missing work to serve on jury duty. 1989 Op. Atty Gen. No. 89-55