Drug Lab

The Cobb County Drug Screening Lab is an independent, on-site laboratory, specializing in providing comprehensive and quality testing service for the Cobb County judicial complex and support agencies.
This on-site drug and alcohol testing laboratory was opened on the judicial campus during 2007 to reduce the cost of testing and to provide immediate testing results to court services and ensure public safety. The laboratory collects the donor’s specimen and provides the ordering agency with immediate analysis result. All specimen collections are directly observed to provide the most effective approach to the prevention of adulteration and substitution. The Drug Screening Lab provides time saving, economical, and accurate point of collection analysis, while maintaining the highest compliance with professional testing standards. As an added convenience to customers, the Lab accepts credit card/debit payments.
Questions? Contact: (770)-528-8903
Hours of Operation
Mondays through Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fridays, 8:30 a.m. to noon only.
No walk-in screens are taken after noon on Fridays.
- January 20th - CLOSED
- February 12th - Closing at 3pm
Method of Payment
The Drug Lab accepts cash, cashier’s check, money order, and credit/debit cards. Please note all credit and debit card payments will be assessed a $2.50 service charge. Also, there are no extensions, substitutions, or refunds once funds have been collected.
*In addition to the payment being rendered, a federal or state issued ID must be presented prior to being screened.
Processes and Procedures
Once payment has been collected, the individual will sit outside in the waiting room to be called. Your state or federal issued ID will be held until the screen is collected for identification purposes.
NOTE: Before any screen can be conducted, a review of the drug screen procedures must be reviewed.
Judicial Interpreters
Interpreter Request Form
The Cobb County Judicial Interpreters Program, administered by Superior Court Administration, provides interpreters to protect the rights of limited English proficiency individuals under the Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 and deaf or hard of hearing individuals under the Americans with Disabilities Act and state law (O.C.G.A. §24-6-650 to 658). While Spanish is the most requested language, we do get requests for dialects such as Amharic.
In any case, it is our procedure to diligently attempt to secure a certified interpreter first. If one is not available, we try for a registered or conditionally approved interpreter. If that effort fails, the judge will follow the Supreme Court of Georgia Commission on Interpreters guidelines to qualify the interpreter from the bench.
With Atlanta’s increasingly diverse population, the need for interpreters has grown dramatically. When the program started in 1990 there were 36 requests for interpreters. By 2017, the requests had increased to 4,256 for the year.
The Cobb County Judicial Interpreters Program maintains a list of interpreters certified or registered with the Georgia Commission on Interpreters. For information on how to become a certified or registered court interpreter visit ocp.georgiacourts.gov/commission-on-interpreters.
For additional information, please email courtinterpreters@cobbcounty.org
Permanent Process Servers
A Process Server must have an Order from Court each time he or she is to serve papers. Beginning in 1998, Cobb County Superior Court Judges elected to start a program enabling Process Servers to receive a standing Order for an entire year instead of requiring a new order each time personal service is required. To become a new Permanent Process Server in Cobb County, a person must complete an application and have it endorsed by a Cobb attorney in good standing. Previously approved Process Servers must complete a renewal application package annually. After a criminal background check is completed, an Order is signed to award Permanent Process Server status for one year.
Cobb County Approved Process Server List
Qualifications to Become a Permanent Process Server
All applicants must timely submit a completed, signed application and other required documents.
New applicants must be endorsed by a member of the State Bar of Georgia in good standing able to attest to the applicant’s good character, honesty, and integrity.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
Applicants must consent to a background check that will be reviewed yearly for eligibility.
Applicants must complete the 12-hour Initial Orientation Training AND the 2024 5-hour Continuing Education class.
- The application must be recommended by the Court Administration office.
Submitting an Application
New applications and renewals will be accepted between October 1st and December 15th of each year (for the following year). Updated forms will be posted in late September.
Feel free to contact (770) 528-1476 or (770) 528-8901 if there are additional questions.
Receiver's Office of Superior Court Administration
New Location as of November 12, 2024--Now located in the Superior Court Building.
70 Haynes Street, Suite 1008
Marietta, GA 30090
(770) 528-3055
Email us at: ReceiverSupct@cobbcounty.org
In-person payments are accepted only during these times:
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
We are closed for lunch from noon to 1 p.m. daily.
The goal of the Receiver’s Office is to receive and distribute monies as ordered by Superior Court Judges. The office serves as record keeper providing payment information when needed by the Court.
We accept payments for private civil cases, Sentence Enforcement and Child Support Enforcement cases. Payments made under Temporary Protective Orders through Magistrate Court are also accepted to reduce as much contact between the parties as possible.
Our mission is to serve as a third party to the case by receiving and distributing payments for record-keeping purposes.
Special Masters
Qualified attorneys may be appointed as Special Masters for condemnations, issues of discovery or attorney/client privilege, or other matters. A Special Master makes recommendations on the issue to a Superior Court Judge.
Court Administration maintains a list of qualified Special Masters and also handles requests for a Special Master.
Pursuant to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, to qualify as a Special Master, an individual must be a competent attorney at law with at least three years of experience in the practice of law and be of good standing in the profession.
Attorneys seeking to be considered as a Special Master may complete the Application below.