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Cobb 101 Citizens Government Academy

picture of Cobb101 group

This academy is an eleven-week course designed to provide an in-depth look at the many functions of county government. It will be held at various government buildings throughout Cobb County, allowing participants to experience what the Cobb County government does for our residents. Participants are allowed to miss only one class during the 11-week course.

The class will be limited to 32 participants who are Cobb residents or business owners. You must be 18 years or older to participate. Those who are running for office are ineligibleApplications will be posted for 30 days. 

We appreciate your interest in attending Cobb 101.

Participant Resources

2025 Course Schedule and program resources coming soon.

The Citizens Government Academy is a eleven-week program designed to:

  • Give residents an opportunity to learn how to access their government
  • Familiarize residents with government services, functions and activities in Cobb County
  • Help residents gain a better understanding about how to become involved in local government
  • Enhance residents’ ability to communicate effectively with local officials

Program details:

Through a combination of presentations and hands-on projects, participants will learn about vital community services including emergency services, law enforcement, planning, zoning, finance, court systems, public works, special projects, parks and recreation. Most importantly, participants will have the opportunity to connect with their local officials and county staff who provide these services. Weekly instructors will vary depending upon the county service or department being covered that week.

The program is structured around six strategic commitments:

  • Informed and engaged community
  • Financial health and economic prosperity
  • Healthy, livable and sustainable Cobb County
  • Transportation, mobility and connectivity
  • Safe and prepared community
  • Accountable and responsive government

Participants will gain a better understanding of:

  • The relationships between residents, the county manager and Board of Commissioners and governmental departments
  • The process of deciding why and how government projects are implemented and services are provided
  • The ways various projects support county manager and Board of Commissioners’ goals and objectives
  • The budgeting process
  • Roles and functions of county departments

Video: Hear from previous Cobb 101 participants

Example of a typical program schedule

Date Course Overview Location
Week 1 Introduction to Cobb County Leaders, Municipalities, Cobb Delegation, Legislative Update, and Communications BOC Meeting Room & Learning Center
100 Cherokee St., 2nd Floor
Marietta, GA 30090
Week 2 Public Services Agency - PARKS, Library System, Senior Services, Elections & Registration, Extension Services, Govt. Service Centers TBD
Week 3 Public Safety - Sheriff's Office TBD
Week 4 Public Safety Agency - DPS Administration, Police, Fire, 911, EMA, Safety Village, and Animal Services TBD
Week 5 Department of Transportation - Tour TBD
Week 6 Support Services Agency - Property Management, Information Technology Services, Fleet, Procurement Services, GIS TBD
Week 7 Courts TBD
Week 8 Water System - Tour TBD
Week 9 Community Development - Business License, Zoning, Planning, Economic Development, Development and Inspections, Code Enforcement, and Erosion TBD
Week 10 Finance - Finance, Tax Commissioner, Tax Assessor TBD
Week 11 Graduation TBD

All sessions take place on Thursday and begin promptly at 6:00 PM and end at 9:00 PM.

Locations are yet to be determined. Final class order may change.

How do I participate?

Cobb 101 applications have closed for 2024.


Contact the Cobb 101 team at for more information.