About Commissioner JoAnn K. Birrell

Cobb County District Three Commissioner JoAnn K. Birrell took her oath of office for her fourth term with the assistance of her husband, Dave. Cobb County Chief Magistrate Judge Brendan Murphy did the honors in a private ceremony in his courtroom on Dec. 30, 2022. Superior Court Judge Sonya Brown gave the invocation.
Birrell, a 29-year resident of the county, has previously served in numerous community organizations including as past chair of Keep Cobb Beautiful and the Neighborhood Safety Commission. During her first term, Birrell initiated the Keep it in Cobb Program and established the Canton Road Redevelopment Committee. She also worked with staff to amend the purchasing ordinance to include a local vendor presence clause and launch the How to do Business with Cobb seminars where business owners can learn how to become a vendor with the County and meet County representatives that make purchasing decisions.
During her second term, she continued to work on revitalization and economic development opportunities. Out of the 17 redevelopment sites in District 3, only three sites remain on the list. She co-chaired the US Army Field Band and Soldiers Chorus concert at Lassiter Concert Hall on Veterans Day. She also launched Superior Pets for Patriotic Vets to pair homeless Cobb County Animal Shelter pets with military veterans and was on the steering committee in 2018 to honor Vietnam Veterans on the 50th Anniversary in Cobb.
In her third term, she continued to support our public safety and veterans. She championed the step and grade to eliminate compression in 2020 for public safety and was instrumental in working with the Cobb Veterans Memorial Foundation for awareness and fundraising. She hosted the first county Women’s Veterans Event in 2021 and honored the Korean War Veterans in 2019.
During her fourth term, Commissioner Birrell allocated part of her district contingency funding to replace a retiring K-9 officer and support the Cobb Police Department’s kennel system. In February 2024, when the new K-9 annex was completed, a surprise announcement was made revealing that the addition would officially be officially named the JoAnn K. Birrell K-9 Annex. The facility offers secure and comfortable accommodations for K-9s during training sessions and when their handlers are away.
JoAnn and her husband Dave are members of the Catholic Church of St. Ann in Marietta where they serve as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and volunteers for Meals on Wheels. JoAnn also served as a board member of the McCleskey/East Cobb YMCA from 2012 to 2015.
Birrell received the Women in American History award from the Fielding Lewis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in 2024, the Barbara Hickey Award from Cobb County Republican Women’s Club in 2020, the Outstanding Citizenship Award and the Lydia Darragh Medals from the Captain John Collins Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) in 2019, the Elected Official of the year award from Keep Georgia Beautiful in 2017, the American Business Women Association’s Outstanding Community Service Award in 2016, the ACCG Revenue & Finance Policy Committee Chair award in 2015 and Vice Chair award in 2014, the Northeast Cobb Business Association (NCBA) Person of the Year award in 2014, the Trumpet Award from Cobb County Republican Women's Club in 2014, the Cobb Public Safety Directors Award of Excellence in 2003, was a Women of Achievement Honoree in 2007 by the YWCA of Northwest Georgia (now LiveSafe Resources) and received 2008 Keep Cobb Beautiful Environmental Leadership Award. Commissioner Birrell also serves as an advisory board member on the Cobb Veterans Memorial Foundation and received the Commander's Award for the Honorary Commanders Class of 2020-2021.
Thank you for your continued support over the past 14 years.
JoAnn K. Birrell
District 3 Commissioner

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Monthly Zoning Information Available Online
Every month the Cobb County Zoning Division prepares information, which provides analysis and staff recommendations for all rezoning, special land use permit and land use permit requests. These items are presented to the Planning Commission (PC) and Board of Commissioners (BOC) for their review, recommendation and consideration.
The Planning Commission hears the cases and provides recommended actions to the BOC. Both hearings will begin at 9 a.m. and are held at the Board of Commissioners building at 100 Cherokee Street, 2nd floor meeting room, Marietta 30090. View a list of cases scheduled to be heard.

Animal Services
Cobb County Animal Services is a great place to find that addition to your family.
Adoption fees are $115 for all animals. All animals have been spayed/neutered and are current on all vaccinations. Dogs over 6 months old have been heartworm-tested and cats over 6 months have been combo-tested. Visit Animal Services or call (770) 499-4136 for more information. Sign up for the new electronic newsletter from Cobb County Animal Services. You will receive updated information about shelter operations, special events and opportunities to get involved, as well as other important information concerning the safety and welfare of our community.
Find Cobb County Animal Services on Facebook and Instagram, and follow Cobb County Animal Services on X for more up-to-date information.
Also check the Facebook page for Superior Pets for Patriotic Pets.
To stay updated on Animal Services and ways to get involved, sign up for the animal services newsletter.

Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT) training
Disasters begin and end locally. The CERT Program provides an opportunity for Cobb County citizens to learn about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their areas and trains them in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
These classes are 20 hours of free instruction. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others when professional responders are not immediately available.
To enroll or learn more visit Cobb County CERT or call (770) 499-4567.

Information and Resources
Recent Videos
Canton Road Corridor - under new construction

Community Projects
Civic Associations
Bells Ferry Civic Association

Contact the Commissioner
District 3 Commissioner, JoAnn K. Birrell
(770) 528-3318
(770) 528-2606 fax
District 3 Commission Assistant, Kimberly Jorgensen
(770) 528-3317