Mountain View Aquatic Center

Mountain View Aquatic Center

Pool Schedule and Information

Lap Swimming and Instructional Pool Schedule


Daily fees for PUBLIC SWIM**
  Age Cobb Resident Non-Cobb Resident
Infant 6 months -2 years Free Free
Youth 3 years -17 years $3.50 $5.25
Adult 18 years -54 years $4.50 $6.75
Senior 55 years +  $3.00 $4.50

For a list of membership passes and prices, please see attached pool schedule above.



Cobb County and the Mountain View Aquatic Center are excited to welcome you to our group swim lesson program! 
All of our instructors are American Red Cross' Water Safety Instructor certified. 
We offer the following classes: Parent-tot (6mo-3yrs) , Pre-school (3yrs-5yrs) , and Youth (5yrs-13yrs) & Adult (14+yrs) classes. 

 Set up an account online for Lessons 

You will not be able to register for lessons until the registration date (see below). 
Please make sure you have an account set up before registration to streamline the process of signing up online or in person. 
Please make sure all family members that are signing up for lessons are listed on your account with accurate birthdates. 

Spring 2025 Group Swim Lesson Online registration dates: 

Cobb County residents : Friday March 21st, 2025 at 6pm (online)
Non-Cobb County residents :  Monday March 24th, 2025 at 10am (online)

Spring schedule will be posted in late February. 
Below is an example of class descriptions, times and session dates. 



**Alternate method to online registration - Google "REC1" or "CivicRec" to get to online registration through the 'Rec1 - CivicRec' website. You can also click the following link **

Private swim lessons

If you are interested in private swim lessons at the Mountain View Aquatic Center, please fill out the above form and submit it to the front desk at the Mountain View Aquatic Center. Please note that private swim lessons are not guaranteed and this form is a request for an instructor. 


Are you interested in becoming an Aqua-aerobic instructor? 
Contact Lance Anderson at

Aquaerobic Class Schedule

Exercise Class Days Times
Aerobics (Shallow Water) Monday - Friday
Tuesday & Thursday
Tuesday & Thursday
8:00 am - 8:55 am
10:00 am - 10:55 am
6:00 pm - 6:55 pm
Aerobics (Deep Water) Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 9:55 am
Arthritis Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00am - 10:55am
Adaptive Aquatics & Arthritis Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00am - 11:55am

**Due to short staffing, we are unable to offer our normal 6:00pm Shallow Water Aquaerobic Class**

Aqua-aerobic Class Fees
Type of pass Cobb Residents Non-Cobb Residents
Adult Daily Pass $4.50 $6.75
Adult Ten Visit Pass $45.00 $67.50
Senior Daily Pass $2.00 $3.00
Senior Ten Visit Pass $20.00 $30.00

Class Descriptions

Deep Water Aerobics (Lap Pool)

Enjoy a deep water workout that has no impact on the joints, yet high intensity to burn calories...very cardiovascular...add a little body sculpting and you have a total body workout. (Prior experience recommended, taught in the lap pool.)

Shallow Water Aerobics

Low impact, mid to high intensity to get blood flowing. A good aerobic workout that combines cardio, muscle toning, strength and stretching.


Work your joints from head to toe in this non-aerobic workout. No impact and rebounding off of the bottom of the pool. American Arthritis Association guidelines followed.

Adaptive Aquatics

Expect low impact exercises with light aerobics. Focus is on range of motion , endurance, balance, working joints, and fun! Those with M.S. and Arthritis are welcome!

Deep Water (Instructional Pool)

This class, which is held in the deep end of the instructional pool, blends aerobic training with muscle conditioning and stretching for a total body workout. Maximum capacity is 15.

  • *Mountain View Aquatics reserves the right to limit the number of patrons participating in each class.
  • *No participants will be allowed to join a class 10 minutes past the class start time.
  • *All participants must sign in for every class.


Lifeguard Classes 

The Lifeguard Training (LGT) class is designed to train participants to be effective professional lifeguards. After successful completion of this course, participants will be certified under American Red Cross for two (2) years in the following: Lifeguarding, First Aid, and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer (C-PRO).

To register for Lifeguard Training classes at the Mountain View Aquatic Center, you must create an online account at – click ‘I want to…’ and select ‘Register for Activities’ then log in or create an account. If you believe you have an account and forgot your password, use the ‘I forgot my password’ option to reset your password. Classes can be found under the “Aquatics” tab on the Cobb County CivicRec website.  


Lifeguarding Pre-requisites

To be eligible for the Lifeguard course, the participant must be 15 years of age by the final class meeting and must successfully complete the following prerequisites:  

Pre-requisite #1: Complete a swim-tread-swim sequence without stopping to rest:
• Jump into water and totally submerge, resurface, then swim 150 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke or combination of both. (Swimming on the back of side is not permitted.  Swim goggles are allowed).
• Maintain position at the surface of the water for two minutes by treading water using only the legs.  
• Swim 50 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke, or combination of both.

Pre-requisite #2: Complete a timed event within one minute, 40 seconds:
• Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. (The face may be in or out of the water. Swim goggles are not allowed.)
• Surface dive (feet-first or head-first) to a depth of 7-10 feet to retrieve a 10lb object.  
• Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping the face out at or near the surface.  
• Exit the water without using a ladder or steps

Session 1

Cobb Spring Break week –
April 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th

M/T/W/Th – 12:30pm-6:30pm
Barcode # 45385

Session 2

Cobb Spring Break weekend –
April 11th, 12th & 13th

Friday – 12:30pm-6:30pm
Sat/Sun – 10am-6:30pm
Barcode # 45386

Session 3

Pre-Summer Weekend Class –
May 3rd & 4th, and May 10th & 11th

Sat/Sun – 12:30pm-6:30pm
Barcode # 45387