Cobb Pkwy/McCollum Pkwy Realignment Study
The Stakeholder Steering Committee is looking for your feedback for the Cobb Parkway at McCollum Parkway Scoping Study.
To leave a comment, choose a pin from one of the commenting options at the top of your screen, and drag that pin to the location on the map that corresponds to your comment. After dropping a pin, you'll be able to leave a detailed comment and given the option to upload a photo. You can also "like," "dislike," and comment on existing comments.
Please choose from the following comment types:
- Safety Concerns: Consider safety issues related to mobility (walking, biking, driving) as well as general safety (lighting, eyes on the street, etc.)
- Traffic Congestion: Where is traffic backed up? Describe the congestion you experience at this location.
- Pedestrian Facilities: Where are sidewalks and pedestrian facilities missing or in need of repair?
- Key Community Features: What existing community features and amenities would you like to see preserved or enhanced?
- Economic Development Issues and Opportunities: Where do you see potential for development, or where do you have concerns regarding current or future development? Think about businesses, jobs, services, housing, etc.
- Other: Leave a comment on anything else you think is relevant.
Click on the link below to fill out the survey:
Cobb Pkwy/McCollum Pkwy Realignment Study | Social Pinpoint (
The first public meeting in regards to the survey will be on May 11 from 6-8 p.m. at the Ben Robertson Community Center. More information regarding the meeting will be forthcoming.