Reports from January 2014 to Present are located on the EasyFile website.
Older Campaign Finance Reports
Older reports can be found using the below search form or by visiting the Georgia Government Transparency & Campaign Finance Commission website.
What's Available
Local candidates and elected officials with questions please call 770-528-2581.
January 2014 - June 29, 2015
Cobb Elections was the filing officer for candidates and elected officials in local offices. Only those disclosures filed with us are available at this website. Please see the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission website for information about other candidates as well as all forms and requirements. Feel free to review the Explanation of Filing Types.
January 2011 - December 2013
Cobb Elections had no responsibility for disclosures and none are posted here.
2004 - December 2010
Candidates who had collected or spent $10,000 in an election cycle were required to e-file, and any candidate could e-file if they wished to do so. Those e-filed disclosures are available on this website.
Local candidates and elected officials with questions please call 770-528-2581.
Types of Candidate Filings
- AFF - A candidate or elected official may file an affidavit stating that he or she does not intend to accept or expend more than $2,500 to be exempt from filing, or not more than $5,000 to qualify for a reduced filing schedule.
- Amend# - Amendment to a form that had already been filed. For ease of matching, the amendment is given the same filing date as the original form. There may be more than one amendment to the same form.
- 2-BDR - Two Business Day Report is used to report contributions (including loans) of $1,000 or more, that are received between the last report due before an election and the election itself.
- CCDR - Campaign Contribution Disclosure Report is used to report contributions and expenditures for a particular campaign.
- DOI - Declaration of Intent to Collect Campaign Contributions is filed by candidates before they begin collecting contributions.
- Incumb - Affidavit of an Incumbent not Seeking Reelection
- Invoice - Invoice from Cobb Elections to the candidate for late fees accrued because they were late filing one or more required forms.
- Late - Notice from Cobb Elections to the candidate that they are late on one or more filings.
- Final - Final Report and Termination Statement is used when the candidate leaves office or does not intend to run again for that office, and the campaign has a zero balance and zero indebtedness.
- PFD - Personal Financial Disclosure is filed once a year by candidates and elected officials to disclose their financial involvements.
- RC - The candidate may register a Campaign Committee and designate a Campaign Committee Chairperson
- RO - Form used to register a Campaign Committee other than a candidate; for example if a group wants to form a committee to campaign for or against a particular ballot question.