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Comprehensive Planning

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2025 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Amendments

Download the 2025 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Amendments, or explore these amendments using our web mapping application. 

More About the 2040 Comprehensive Plan

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is a long-range plan intended to direct the growth and physical development of a community for a 20+ year period. Preparing a comprehensive plan allows for utility, transportation, and community facilities planning, aiding in a more time and cost-effective planning and budgeting program. The plan includes policies relevant to the development of various physical elements that make a community successful, including transportation, housing, recreation, and public facilities.

A Comprehensive Plan also provides for the distribution and relationships of various land uses; this land-use element serves as a basis for future physical development recommendations. These recommendations are supported by a set of goals and objectives drawn from existing conditions and the desires and aspirations of the citizens.

"The plan should be comprehensive in scope, general in nature, and long-range in perspective."
-T.J. Kent Jr.

The 2040 Comprehensive Plan Links & Details

The 2040 Comprehensive Plan is Cobb County’s long-range policy document and growth strategy for the next two decades. The plan fosters an image of an attractive place to invest, conduct business, and raise a family.  It reflects the community’s vision through needs and opportunities, goals and policies, and a community work program. The land use element guides future physical development that promotes an environment of predictability for existing and future residents, businesses, industry and investors.

The 2040 Comprehensive Plan is a large document including many pages with graphics, tables, and maps. The plan has been broken down into multiple PDF files, as seen below.

The 2040 Comprehensive Plan 5-Year Update  file below is the primary planning document. It is the heart of the Comprehensive Plan, including the community’s needs, goals and policies, and work program items for each planning element. The following six (6) appendices provide background information that help to substantiate the vision:

View the Cobb County Future Land Use Map

Please note: some files may take longer to download due to size and download speed

2022 Update