State Botanical Garden of Georgia (SBG) is our partner for the Our Shared Forest (OSF) Science Night Program. This grant-funded program was developed by SBG and is supported by Cobb County Water System. It is a free resource, available for local checkout for in-school field trips, open houses, special study units, and science nights for students, scouts, and clubs. Production of the kits was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The OSF Science Night Kit is a set of 24 interactive education activities developed around the migratory birds that share the habitat in both Georgia and Ecuador. This multicultural, environmental education project features Parent Teacher Association (PTA) sponsored science nights, standards-based instructional units and service learning and fundraising opportunities with fair trade, organic, shade-grown coffee.
Overall, this project is designed to bring light to the importance of conserving existing habitats and reestablishing fragmented habitats of neotropical migrant birds. Neotropical migrants are birds that spend their winters in North America and their summers in Central and South America. Habitats of these birds are becoming fragmented as trees are cut down for timber, development and agriculture.
Contact us to learn more about this resource.