Building Directory
- Sentence Enforcement Unit
- State Court Conference Room
1st Floor
Clerk's Office
- Office of Tahnicia Phillips, Clerk
- Office of Alisha Hargett, Chief Deputy Clerk
- Civil and Courtroom Deputies Divisions
- Civil Filing Desk
- State Court Services, Donna Tschappat, Director
- Jury Assembly Room
Division II Traffic Court Courtroom
- Courtroom 1A - Judge Ashley Palmer
2nd Floor
Clerk's Office
- Traffic, Misdemeanor and Accounting Divisions
- Traffic/Misdemeanor Filing
- Pay Windows
Division II Traffic Court Courtrooms
- Courtroom 2A - Judge Jason B. Fincher
- Courtroom 2B - Judge Bridgette Campbell
- Courtroom 2C - Judge Marsha Lake
- Courtroom 2D - Judge Jaret Usher
3rd Floor
Division I Courtrooms
- Courtroom 3A - Judge Allison Salter
- Courtroom 3B - Judge John Morgan
- Courtroom 3C - Judge Eric Brewton
- Courtroom 3D - Chief Judge Carl Bowers
4th Floor
Division I Courtrooms
- Courtroom 4A - Judge Jane Manning
- Courtroom 4B - Judge Diana Simmons
- Courtroom 4C - Judge Maria Golick
Important Information
Hours of Operation
The Cobb County State Court Clerk’s Office is open from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday – Friday with the exception of official county holidays.
Court Information
- All Traffic Violations under state law occurring within the jurisdiction of unincorporated Cobb County are adjudicated in State Court. The cities of Marietta, Smyrna, Powder Springs, Acworth, Kennesaw and Austell have courts for violations within their respective city limits. All cases where a jury trial is to be held are bound over to the State Court of Cobb County for trial.
- Misdemeanor crimes are prosecuted in the State Court by the Solicitor General, Makia Metzger.
- Information on an arrest case is not available through the Clerk’s Office until the case is officially filed by the Solicitor General’s Office and docketed by the Clerk. If there has been an arrest and no accusation drawn and filed, the case will be in the Magistrate Court or the Solicitor General’s Office.
- The Clerk of State Court maintains all of the Court’s records, collects all court costs, fees and fines and attends court sessions. Cases begin and end with the Clerk. Cases are officially filed, processed and scheduled for trial. Following disposition by the Court, the Clerk records the disposition and processes any necessary follow-up to each case. The records are open to the public for inspection during normal working hours. The Clerk’s Office may assist the public on an individual case basis by phone when possible, however, we do not do record searches.
- Terms of Court are two months.
- Civil, Criminal and Traffic cases are available online.
- We do not accept filings through fax or email.
- Small Claims (exceeding $15,000.00) may be filed in State Court or Superior Court of Cobb County. Small Claims (not exceeding $15,000.00) may be filed in Magistrate Court of Cobb County.
Terms of Court
The State Court of Cobb County operates on terms of court. Each term consists of two months and is defined as follows:
- January Term: the months of January and February
- March Term: the months of March and April
- May Term: the months of May and June
- July Term: the months of July and August
- September Term: the months of September and October
- November Term: the months of November and December
Each new term begins with the first Monday of the month (Ex: The September Term begins the first Monday in September).
Open Records Requests
The Georgia Open Records Act and related subtitles of Georgia law authorize a personal inspection of public records at a reasonable time and place unless prohibited by a court order or otherwise exempted by law. However, no public official or personnel is required to prepare reports, summaries or compilations not in existence at the time of an Open Records Request.
The Clerk of State Court has designated the following person as official record custodian for the State Court Clerk's Office as allowed by O.C.G.A 50-18-71. Please direct requests for records to the designated contact.
Record Custodian:
Tahnicia Phillips, Clerk
12 East Park Square
Marietta, GA 30090