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State Court Clerk

State Court 2025

FAQ Topics

State Court Important Notice

The Clerk of State Court and the Deputy Clerks in this office are committed to providing you with excellent customer service. We will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about the services of this office or the procedures you must follow for a particular state court process. Please be advised, however, that state law prohibits our staff from rendering legal advice, restating the law or recommending specific ways to pursue legal action. Nothing on this web site is intended to advise anyone as to legal remedies for a particular circumstance.

Many matters of law are quite complex and may require special knowledge of legal principles and procedures. If you have a problem involving the interpretation of the law, we suggest you contact an attorney licensed in the State of Georgia. Although we cannot recommend a specific attorney, you may contact the Cobb County Attorney Referral Service at (770) 424-7149.

What are the hours of operation for the State Court Clerk's Office?

The Cobb County State Court Clerk's Office is open 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday-Friday with the exception of official county holidays.

Glossary of Terms
  • Case Number - The number used by the State Court Clerk's Office to identify and track a case. Multiple citations received together will be included in one case number. Case numbers are assigned by the Clerk's Office 10 days after a citation or series of citations is issued. Case numbers are not found on your ticket.
  • Citation Number - The number used by the State Court Clerk's Office to identify each citation within a case. This number is pre-printed in the upper right-hand corner of your citation.
  • Court Case Number - The number used by the issuing police agency to identify citation court cases. The court case number is found on your ticket but is not used by the State Court Clerk's Office to track a case.
  • Court Date - The date you are scheduled to appear in Cobb County State Court. If a ticket can be paid without going to court, the fine amount must be paid by 8:30 a.m. on the court date. The court date is located in Section IV of your citation.
  • Defendant Name - The name of the citation recipient.
  • Offense - The violation committed by the citation recipient.
  • Offense Date - The date the ticket was issued.
  • Status - This term is used in displaying citations online to indicate whether payment is due for a particular case number. There are three status types: Open means that payment is due for a case number; Closed means that no payment is currently owed on a case number; In Process means that a payment has been submitted but not yet processed by Cobb County.
  • Total Amount - The total amount due in a case. If multiple citations are involved, the total amount due will include all citations. If paying online or through the IVR system a convenience fee will be included in the total amount.
What determines if my citation is payable or whether I must appear in court?

Whether a citation is payable or requires a court appearance is determined by the judges of the Cobb County State Court. In creating what is known as the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB), the judges drafted and signed an order setting out what offenses were to be payable without a court appearance.

For further information you should contact the State Court Clerk's Office, Traffic Violations Bureau, at (770) 528-2660. Office hours are 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. however you can access our IVR system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How soon after receiving my citation can I find out the amount of my fine?

It takes approximately 10 business days from the date a citation is issued before it is received and processed by the Cobb County State Court Clerk's Office. Once processed, fine amounts on payable citations can be provided by the Clerk's Office.

How long do I have to pay my fine?

If the citation(s) you received is a "payable" violation, you must pay your fine by 8:30 a.m. on your scheduled court date, or appear in court. Your court date is located in Section IV of your citation. (If paying online, your payment must be made no later than 6:00 AM EST two (2) days before your court date. For example, a ticket for a Wednesday court date must be paid no later than 6:00 AM on Monday.)

If I choose to pay a fine without a court appearance, what does that mean?

By paying your fine without a court appearance, you are actually posting a bond in your case that will be forfeited on your court date and will serve as a final disposition in your case, therefore completing your case.

What methods of payment does the Cobb County State Court Clerk's Office accept?
  • If paying in person, we will accept cash, MasterCard, Visa, debit card, money order or certified check. For credit card payments, the cardholder must be present with identification.
  • If paying by mail, we accept money order or certified check.
  • If paying via this Web site, your payment may be made with Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
Can I pay my fine by credit card over the phone?

Yes, you may do so by calling (844) 865-5234. If paying by phone the accepted methods of payment are Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

If I am unable to pay my entire fine at once, can I make payments?

You must appear in court on your scheduled court date if you cannot make payment in full.

Where can I appear to pay my fine in person?

The Cobb County State Court Clerk's Office is located in the State Court Building:

12 East Park Square 
Marietta, GA 30090

Payments are accepted on the 2nd floor.

If I pay my citation in person, where can I park?

You will find complimentary two-hour parking on the Marietta Square. Parking-deck spaces also are open to the public, for a fee. The two parking decks are located behind and adjacent to the Cobb County Building, "Building A."

If I pay my fine in person, what is the best time to appear?

Wait times are typically shorter in the afternoon. Mornings are usually very busy due to the number of people paying fines following court appearances.

What if I can't find my citation online?

For inquiries call the State Court Clerk's Office at (770) 528-2660 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Your citation will not be on this site if: the court date has passed; the fine has been paid; or the offense on the citation requires a court appearance.

What do I need to know about online payments?
  • Tickets are payable online after they have been received and processed by the court. This may take up to 10 business days.
  • Your online payment must be made no later than 6 a.m. two (2) days before your court date. For example, a ticket for a Wednesday court date must be paid no later than 6 a.m. on Monday. Citations are not payable on-line after the court date.
  • Non-payable citations will not be available online. If it has been at least 10 business days since you received your citation, and you are unable to access your citation online please call (770) 528-2660 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
What forms of payment can I use to pay a ticket online?

nCourt accepts all major credit cards.

What's a convenience fee?

This is a fee assessed by nCourt to provide the ability to pay citations online.

How do I know that my payment was made?

After completing the payment process, a receipt page with a corresponding confirmation number will be displayed. You're encouraged to print this page for your records. You will be sent a return email confirming your payment.

Why is my e-mail address required on the payment page?

nCourt uses e-mail to give you a final confirmation of your payment or to let you know if there was a problem processing your payment. 

What's my confirmation number?

Your personal confirmation number is very important. The confirmation number is used to track the process of your ticket payment. For your records, we suggest you print the page containing the confirmation number.

How will I know if my payment is received by the county before the court date?

Your ticket payment must be made to the nCourt online payment system no later than 6:00 AM EST two (2) days prior to your scheduled court date. For example, a ticket for a Wednesday court date must be paid no later than 6:00 AM on Monday. The county recognizes the date printed on the confirmation page as the date of payment.

If I want to contest my citation, what do I need to do?

Appear in court per your scheduled date and time.

To appear in court to contest my citation, do I need an attorney?

You are not required to hire an attorney but are entitled to do so.

I received a citation from a city police officer within Cobb County. Do I pay my fine/appear in court at the Cobb County State Court?

No, you need to contact the municipality that issued the citation.

I was charged with no insurance/no proof of insurance but was insured at the time of the incident. Can I resolve this case without a court appearance?

No, you must bring your proof of insurance with you to court on your scheduled court date; the judge will then make a determination in your case.

I was charged with no tag/expired tag but actually had my tag at the time of the incident. Can I show proof of registration and resolve this case without a court appearance/paying a fine?

No, you must bring proof of tag ownership with you to court on your scheduled court date; the judge will then make a determination in your case.

What happens if I don't pay my ticket or appear in court on my scheduled court date?

An additional $65 court cost may be added to your case and a bench warrant for your arrest and/or a license suspension will be issued.

How many points, if any, will be assessed on my driver's license?

Points are assessed differently by individual states. Contact the license-issuing agency in your state for more information.

In Georgia, this information can be obtained by contacting:

Department of Drivers Services
Revocation and Suspension Section
P.O. Box 180447
Conyers, GA 30013
(678) 413-8400

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