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PAL Programs

The Police Athletic League has enhanced its athletic programs and now offers a competitive track program, football camp, soccer camp, and baseball camp. PAL teaches skills such as the importance of fair play, working as a team player, and good sportsmanship.

Registration is open to the public for children between the ages of five and fifteen.

2024 Soccer Skills Camp

Cobb Police Athletic League will be hosting a free soccer camp 6:30-8:30 p.m. , Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 10-11, 2024 at Tramore Park, 2150 East-West Connector, Austell. Participants learn basic skills, techniques and good sportsmanship. For ages 5 - 15. 

To register for the 2024 camp,  click here.


Baseball Camp

The Police Athletic League has enhanced its athletic programs and now offers a competitive track program, football camp, soccer camp, and baseball camp. PAL teaches skills such as the importance of fair play, working as a team player, and good sportsmanship.

Registration is open to Cobb County residents with children between the ages of 7– 16 years. Day one of camp is for children ages 7-11 and day two is for children ages 12-16. To register your child for the 2022 Baseball Camp go to to complete the registration form. Registration will close on Friday, August 19, 2022. 

Camp Photos

Cobb PAL Football Camp Postponed

Football Camp

The football camp began in 2009, prior to the establishment of Cobb PAL and was incorporated into PAL in 2011. Over the 11 years the 3-day program has hosted up to 100 campers each year, ranging in age from 10-17.

Camp Photos

Soccer Camp

2023 Soccer Skills Camp

Cobb Police Athletic League will be hosting a free soccer camp 6:30-8:30 p.m. , Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 12-13, 2023 at Tramore Park, 2150 East-West Connector, Austell. Participants learn basic skills, techniques and good sportsmanship.

Sept. 12  - ages 7 - 12

Sept. 13 - ages 13 - 17

To register for the camp, click here.