Have an Exam Proctored

As part of our mission to provide services in support of research, knowledge, and cultural enrichment, Cobb County Public Library (CCPL) staff proctors exams under the following guidelines. Be sure to review the complete Proctoring Policy before scheduling an exam.
Proctoring Fees and ID
- Cobb County Public Library cardholders in good standing pay $15.00 per exam.
- All other persons pay $30.00 per exam
- Payment must be made in cash, check, or by credit card before the exam will be administered. Credit card payments are only accepted for CCPL card holders.
- Exam fees are non-refundable.
- Students are responsible for all other associated fees such as photocopying.
- Photo ID is required for all exams.
- Students that do not report for scheduled exams will forfeit the proctoring fee and may not be allowed to reschedule.
Students must complete a Proctoring Agreement for each exam. Click the link above to review the Proctoring Policy, then print and sign the agreement(s). Completed forms will be requested at the time the exam is proctored.
Scheduling and Testing Requirements
- Students should request proctoring appointments at least five (5) business days prior to the desired test date. CCPL will make every effort to accommodate requested dates, but cannot guarantee staffing availability.
- Exams must be scheduled during regular library hours.
- Exams must start no earlier than 30 minutes after opening and be completed no later than 30 minutes before closing.
- Exams will not be scheduled during Sunday hours.
- Unscheduled exams will not be accommodated.
- Testing accommodations vary from library to library. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure physical facilities and technology capabilities are adequate for test taking requirements.