About the Event
Due to public demand, we are finding ways to continue to provide these essential services to our community. EVERYONE can prevent harmful waste from entering our environment and water systems.
The 2024 Annual Household Hazardous Waste Event date has not been determined. For more information, please visit livethrive.org

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Accepted Items
Auto Products
Anti Freeze | Carburetor Cleaner | Oil Filters |
Auto Body Filler | Diesel Fuel | Power Steering Fluid |
Batteries (Auto/Boat - any type) | Engine Degreaser | Radiator Flushes |
Brake Fluid | Gasoline | Transmission Fluid |
Car Cleaners, Waxes, Chrome Polish | Oil (used or unused) |
Garden Products
Fertilizers | Insecticides | Rodent Poison |
Fungicides | Pesticides | Soil Fumigants |
Herbicides | Roach/Ant Killer | Weed Killers |
Household Products
Abrasive Cleaners | Drain Openers/Cleaners | Pool Chemicals |
Aerosols | Fire Extinguishers | Propane/Compressed Gas Cylinders |
Ammonia-Based Cleaners | Floor Cleaner & Wax | Rug & Upholstery Cleaner |
Batteries (any type) | Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts | Rust & Spot Remover |
Bleach Cleaners | Furniture Polish | Silver Cleaners |
Cooking Oil/Grease | Kerosene, Lamp Oil | Smoke Detectors |
Compact Florescent Lights (CFLs) | Mercury Switches | Thermometers |
Cosmetics | Metal Cleaners | Thermostats |
Degreasers | Moth Balls | Toilet Cleaner |
Deodorizers | Nail Polish & Remover | |
Disinfectants | Oven Cleaner |
Paint, Hobby & Pet Products
Adhesives | Lacquer, Stain | Propane tanks |
Caulks, Glue, Cement | Mineral Spirits | Resins, Epoxy |
Chemistry Sets | Model Airplane Paint | Rubber Cement Thinner |
Driveway Sealer | Paint (latex & oil based) | Rust Proofing Products |
Flea Collars | Paint Remover/Stripper | Turpentine |
Flea Powder, Sprays, Shampoos | Paint Thinners | Varnishes |
Helium Tanks | Photographic Chemicals & Solutions | Wood Preservatives |
Items Not Accepted
Agricultural Waste | Ammunition | Appliances** |
Bio-hazardous or Bio-medical Waste | Controlled Substances* | Electronics** |
Explosives | Medications of any type* | Radioactive Materials |
Syringes/Needles | Tires | Trash |
*These items can be disposed of at our Medication Take Back Day.
** These items can be disposed of at our Community Recycling Event.