Solidify the Foundation
New and existing technologies and services require a reliable, stable, flexible, and secure infrastructure. A stable and flexible foundation will reduce the time spent on maintenance, better support new technologies and be more adaptable to change.
Security Defense in Depth
The Cobb County Information Technology Services Department is finalizing a project to create an integrated cyber threat defense program. The project consists of overlapping security technologies working together to secure the county’s network, from its 5000+ end-points to the Network Core. In addition to its array of security technologies, the county is implementing a state-of-the-art security training program for county employees as part of the project.
Enterprise Backup/Restore System
The Cobb County Information Technology Services Department has implemented an enterprise backup and restore solution which protects, manages and recovers a broad range of departmental business data. The project involved the installation of hardware consisting of servers and storage. On this new hardware software was installed so the county can now back up corporate data each day. Different data is assigned a specific retention period to meet the business data recovery needs of the various county agencies, departments, and offices. The backed-up data is stored at primary and secondary locations.
GIS Redundancy Project
Information Technology Services recently completed a project to create a redundant Enterprise GIS system. New servers were added with the capability to run the enterprise GIS software and were installed at the County’s Disaster Recovery Site to maintain separation from the main data center, GIS equipment. Bandwidth was increased at the DR site to handle the additional workload. This duplication of components and additional bandwidth will provide endurance of the total GIS system in case of failure of any or all individual components in the production environment.
Mature the Application Platform
Upgrades or replacement of aging applications will reduce operational time spent on maintenance, provide new capabilities and improve agency operational efficiencies.
Expand Digital Services
Expanded digital capabilities in the areas of self-service, mobile, and data analytics will be delivered to support G2B, G2C, G2G and G2E to make public services simpler, better, and more accessible.