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Digital Strategy

What Is Meant By Digital Government?

Digital Government is defined as the use of information and communication technology (ICT), especially the Internet, to improve government services for and interactions with citizens (G2C), business and industry (G2B), and different divisions of government (G2G) by simplifying processes and by integrating and eliminating redundant systems.

Digital Government is not an end goal, but a means to accomplish affordable and sustainable government services.

From an IT perspective, Digital Government can provide a framework for developing a strategy that enables agencies to leverage a digital environment for their goals and service.

Digital Strategy Overview

Technology is mission-critical for the delivery of virtually all Cobb County services.

Similarly, the embrace of technology into many aspects of the County’s lives has raised expectations in terms of the reliability and breadth of digital services being provided now and in the near future for the citizenry by the County agencies and departments. Cobb County must be able to deliver information and services to its constituents anytime, anywhere, and on any platform or device.

Information Technology Services has two primary roles in designing and implementing a digital strategy:

  1. Enabler: Support stakeholders as they leverage technologies to improve service
  2. Driver: Identify and address infrastructure required to meet stakeholder goals
Hands Typing with Chart Overlay
Cobb County Digital Strategy 2018 - 2022

Read the full strategy.