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Probate Resources

Important Notice

The Probate Court Judge, Clerk, and staff are committed to providing you with excellent customer service. We will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have about Probate Court services or procedures. Please be advised, however, that state law prohibits our staff from rendering legal advice, restating the law, or recommending specific ways to pursue legal action. Nothing on this web site is intended to advise anyone regarding legal remedies for a particular circumstance.

Many matters of law are quite complex and may require special knowledge of legal principles and procedures. (Including what form to use or how to complete a form.) If you have a problem involving the interpretation of the law, we suggest you contact a Georgia licensed attorney or one of these resources.

Descarga Recursos en Español AQUI!

Probate Court Glossary of Terms

Click on the link below to view a glossary of terms frequently used in probate court processes and procedures. 

Probate Court Glossary of Terms

Receive an Order to Amend or Supplement from the Court?

View the resources  listed below for common errors:

Paragraph 4 

Paragraph 3

Forms and Clinics

 Probate Court Forms

Georgia Probate Court Standard Forms are available on the Council of Probate Court Judges of Georgia website


Additional Forms  available on our website, here. 


Georgia Superior Court Clerk's Cooperative Authority Forms

The following document is an example of a single-status affidavit. This is a document provided by the Georgia Superior Court Clerk’s Cooperative Authority in response to requests. It is not a form created or completed by the Probate Court and this link is provided for convenience.  If you are unsure if it is appropriate or desirable for your situation, seek advice from legal counsel.

Affidavit of Single Status 

Cobb County Probate Clinics - sponsored by Cobb Legal Aid and the Cobb Justice Foundation

Meet with a volunteer attorney for FREE for up to 30 minutes. The attorney will review your situation and assist you in determining which action to file and which forms to use in Cobb Probate Court based on the information that you provide. Volunteer attorneys only provide brief advice about decedent’s estate and adult guardianship cases. To register for the clinic, please visit:

Download the flyer in English Here

Download the flyer in Spanish Here  - (Descargar el folleto aquí)

Probate Court Videos

Probate Court Judicial Council Videos

The Probate Court Judges Council has produced a series of helpful videos covering a variety of topics, both in English and in Spanish.  The videos help to explain some of the more complex probate issues in a way that is easy to understand.

To view the videos, please visit:

Cobb Probate Court - Did You Know?  Videos 










Probate Court Juror Video

Navigating Mental Health

Legal Assistance

Cobb County Bar Association:  Lawyer Referral Services

The Cobb County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service offers a thirty (30) minute consultation with an attorney for a Thirty-Five Dollar ($35.00) upfront fee.  For further information, visit the Cobb Bar website at :

Cobb County Legal Aid

Legal Aid is a non-profit provider of free legal services to those who qualify. To qualify, you must meet certain low-income guidelines and other criteria. Eligibility exceptions may apply to seniors and certain other qualified applicants.  Contact Cobb Legal Aid at (770) 528-2565.

Kinship Care Project

Atlanta Legal Aid’s Kinship Care Project helps relatives and other kin who are raising children in the place of deceased or otherwise absent parents. The focus of the Project is to stabilize the legal relationship between the caregiver and the child through a guardianship, adoption, or custody proceeding.  The secondary goal is to ensure that the caregivers are maximizing all of the resources available to the children in their care.  Atlanta Legal Aid provides free civil legal services to low-income individuals. Eligibility depends on several factors.  Please call 855-357-6566 to apply. 


Search and connect to support. Find financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help in your area, anywhere in the US.

Download the Find Help GA Flyer HERE.

Descargar el Find Help GA folleto AQUI'.

988: The Mental Health Hotline

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat  

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a network of more than 200 state and local call centers supported by HHS through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The lifeline, which also links to the Veterans Crisis Line, follows a three-year joint effort by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to put crisis care more in reach for people in need.

Cobb County Law Library

The Cobb Law Library provides legal information and resources to all, including the Judiciary, attorneys, paralegals, self-represented litigants, and the general public. To view all of the resources available to you through the Law Library, visit their website here.

Cobb Law Library
70 Haynes St.
Fourth Floor, Suite 4300
Marietta, Ga. 30090
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