Reserving a Picnic Pavilion
Picnic Pavilions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis unless they have been reserved. There is no charge to use a pavilion in a Cobb County park. If you wish to reserve a Picnic Pavilion, a $10.00 ($15.00 for non-residents) reservation fee is charged to insure the pavilion is available to you at a specific time for your exclusive use.
All reservation requests are reviewed by Cobb Parks staff within three business days.

Payment of the pavilion reservation fee is not applied at checkout. Once your reservation is approved, the reservation fee along with any additional documentation is required to be paid and/or provided within 7 business days.
Contacts for Reservable Picnic Pavilions
Noonday Zone (East Cobb area) |
Bishop Zone (Central Cobb Area) |
Mountain Zone (West Cobb area) |
(vacant) |
Tauree Curry
Stephen Bibbs |
Seven Springs Water Park Pavilions
West Cobb Aquatics Center
(770) 222-6700
Pavilions at Seven Springs Water Park can be directly reserved online by customers with online accounts. Direct questions to the West Cobb Aquatics Center.
Picnic Pavilion Rules and Regulations
Cobb Parks developed the following procedures and regulations in order to provide picnic pavilion reservations to the residents of Cobb County. Compliance insures a safe and enjoyable experience while using the picnic pavilions in our community parks. For questions or more information, please call Cobb Parks at (770) 528-8800.
We strongly suggest you visit the park pavilion before making a reservation request to insure that all the requirements for your event can be met.
- There is no charge to use a pavilion in a Cobb County park. However, a $10.00 ($15.00 for non-residents) reservation fee is charged to insure the pavilion is available to you at a specific time for your exclusive use. The fee is due once your reservation request is approved, not at the time your request is submitted. The fee is non-refundable. Please be sure to have a copy of your permit with you.
- Fees for approved reservations, along with any additional required documentation, are required to be paid and/or provided within 7 business days. Failure to provide payment or required documents may result in the cancellation of your reservation.
- Under NO circumstances, shall any item, (i.e. bounce houses, moonwalks, tents, etc.), be placed on any athletic field without prior written approval from the Cobb Parks department.
- Absolutely NO alcoholic beverages are allowed to be served, consumed, or possessed in a County park.
- You may not sub-let or charge for use of this facility, nor may you charge an admission for any event held at this facility.
- Absolutely no flyers, brochures, or literature of any kind may be distributed without prior written permission from the Director of Cobb Parks. Written authorization must be produced upon request at any time during your event.
- Absolutely no signage of any kind may be erected. This includes political campaign signs or directional signs.
- Please assure that all music and other noise are kept to a minimal level. No sounds may be amplified, such as speakers, microphones, etc. (Portable radios are allowed.)
- Please leave the facility in as good or better condition than you found it.
- The specific pavilion you have requested may not be available due to: 1) a previous reservation; 2) it’s location/primary designated purpose or, 3) it’s inappropriateness for your event because of size, amenities, or staff’s ability to support your needs.
- A reservation assures you exclusive use of the covered pavilion area during your reserved time. However, the general public may use the pavilion immediately before and after your scheduled time. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to ensure that the pavilion is ready for your use. If you encounter any problems using the pavilion during your reserved time, please contact the Cobb County Police, Parks Rangers by dialing 9-1-1. Please be sure to have a copy of your permit with you.
- Cobb Parks makes no guarantee as to the number of picnic tables present at the pavilion. You may rearrange them, but you may not remove any picnic tables from under the covered pavilion. You may bring your own folding tables and chairs which must be removed before the conclusion of your reservation.
- Any tent erected may require inspection by the Cobb County Fire Department and/or County Inspection Department.
- Cobb County has a leash law in effect at all parks. No animals are allowed on playing fields.
- Moonwalks and other large inflatables, vendor contracted, may be used; however, installers must meet in advance of the event with onsite staff. The inflatables must be installed within 15' of the pavilion and used and removed on the same day. Overnight installation will not be permitted. Under no circumstances shall any item be placed on any athletic field. A certificate of liability insurance for an amount of $1,000,000.00 must be provided at least 7 days in advance of the event. Please be aware that electricity may not be available at the pavilion. Portable generators are allowed provided they are supplied by the company providing the inflatable, otherwise, portable generators are not allowed.
- Parking is limited in many parks. Please carpool if possible.
- Permanent charcoal grills are located at some pavilions and are available for your use. Only the permanent charcoal grills may be used. Charcoal is the only fuel permitted. Portable or personal grills are not permitted. Devices emitting flame are prohibited within the pavilion, including fuel powered lanterns and portable stoves. When using the charcoal grills, please; do not leave burning grills unattended, do not leave food, food scraps or trash on the grill, do not burn trash in the grill. You are responsible for ensuring that the grill is completely extinguished before leaving. Please remember to bring sufficient water for that purpose because water may not be available at or nearby the pavilion.
- Ground fires are not permitted.
- Weddings and/or Wedding rehearsals are not permitted. Please contact the Cobb Parks for a list of acceptable facilities.
- The following are not allowed; glass containers, colored paint or paint ball guns, water balloons, petting zoos, trackless trains, pony or horse rides, no organized animal shows with the exception of organized educational programs.
- The pavilions at East Cobb Park have additional requirements and regulations.
- State and local laws will be strictly enforced.