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Wedding Ceremonies

Two wedding ceremonies are held per day: one at 12 p.m. and one at 6 p.m. Ceremonies are available seven days a week, including holidays.

Parties wishing to be married should report 30 minutes early prior to scheduled time.

Cobb County Magistrate Court
Public Safety Building D, 3rd Floor
32 Waddell Street
Marietta, GA 30090

County holidays are as follows:

  • New Years Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Veteran's Day
  • Thanksgiving Holidays
  • Christmas Holidays

The parties must present a valid marriage license, which can be obtained from the Cobb County Probate Court. Questions regarding marriage license should be directed to the Probate Court.

Ceremony Information

What can I wear to a wedding?

Casual or formal attire is acceptable.

May I bring guests?

Yes, you may bring up to four guests.

Do I need to bring a witness?

No, you do not need to bring a witness.

Is there a charge for the ceremony?

No, it is a free service.

Does each couple get married separately?

No, it is a group ceremony.

What do I need to bring to the ceremony?

The only thing you need to bring is your partner and the marriage license which can be obtained from any Probate Court in the State of Georgia.

Do I need to make an appointment?

We do not take appointments. All couples will be married.

Please call the Magistrate Court at (770) 528–8906 if you have additional questions.