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Magazines and Comics Now Available in OverDrive and Libby

Libby app logo -- a cartoon image of a girl's face smiling behind a book -- on top of a teal and white background
February 26, 2021

Great news! You can now access digital magazines and comics through the OverDrive website and through the Libby app (for Apple | for Android) right along with our eBooks, eAudiobooks, and OverDrive streaming video! Like always, magazines and comics have no wait -- check them out when you want them!


To find magazine titles on the OverDrive website, you can search for a title directly, or you can browse the magazine collection under the “subjects” menu at the top.  Under subjects, you can limit the format to magazines, and then see the magazine subjects listed below.

In the Libby app (for Apple | for Android), click over to the Library page, click "preferences", change format to "magazines", then click "apply preferences". Under the "just added" section, click "see over 1,000 titles" to be taken to the entire magazine collection where you can browse by subject.

Finding Back Issues

Not all magazine titles include back issues, but if they do you will find them on the magazine's page. On the OverDrive website, click into a magazine and you will see a "select another issue" button.

In the Libby app, you must click into a title, then scroll down to find back issues. 


To find comics on the OverDrive website, you can search for a title directly, or you can browse the comics collection under the “subjects” menu at the top.  Under subjects, stay on "all formats" and choose "comics and graphic books".

In the Libby app, click over the the Library page, leave "preferences" on "all formats", scroll down and click "explore more subjects", and choose "comics & manga".