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PBS & J Sponsors Store Front at Cobb Safety Village

Safety Village Monument
April 29, 2019

PBS&J Corporation, an engineering firm, recently helped support the safety education of Cobb's children and residents by donating $25,000 to the Cobb Safety Village. The company will be represented by a store front in the village and joins other sponsors, including WellStar, Cobb and Douglas Public Health and Malon D. Mimms Co. The safety village is a child-size representation of Cobb, complete with trees and scaled-down models of operative buildings with signage, streets, traffic lights and homes. The site has four distinct areas, each presenting the opportunity to teach children how to react when faced with fire, crime and disaster emergencies, as well as drug and alcohol awareness and pedestrian safety. Residents can help build a path to a safer future by buying personalized brick pavers to be placed at the village or donating money.