Cobb Business Owners Encouraged to Take the Survey for the County’s Disparity Study

Important Notice to all Cobb County, GA Business Owners. Participation is Strongly Encouraged to Take the Survey for the County’s Disparity Study
Cobb, County, GA December 14 - Cobb business owners now have a unique opportunity to participate in the County's 2024 Disparity Study by completing a brief survey. Results are anonymous and will help assess the County’s procurement opportunities for minorities, women, and veterans.
The survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete, is available online at Responses are accepted through Jan. 12.
The survey will capture owners' experiences in conducting, or attempting to conduct, business with the County. It will also gather important demographic, statistical and anecdotal information regarding the businesses – including their operating capacity.
The Disparity Study, conducted by Griffin & Strong P.C., will look at the past five years of contracts in construction, goods and services – including architecture and engineering services – then recommend modifications or adjustments if needed.
For questions or concerns, please email GSPC at