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Cobb Commissioners to Receive Update on CARES Act Funding

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October 13, 2020

Cobb’s Board of Commissioners will learn how various recipients of federal CARES funding are doing with their allocations and if any changes need to be made before the end of year deadline.  The special work session will take place at 10 a.m. Monday and you can watch on the CobbTV network.

The federal government sent Cobb County $132 million as part of the act to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the local economy.  Commissioners then distributed much of that money to local organizations and cities to help those impacted.

The largest allocation of $50 million went to SelectCobb to help small businesses that were suffering because of the pandemic.  After a long application and vetting process, commissioners will see the list of local companies that will receive the assistance.

You can view the list of businesses here:

Other entities who will present to the board include the Marietta and Cobb County school districts, WorkSource Cobb, and CDBG.  Commissioners will also hear from Cobb County departments who used CARES funding to keep county services running even as many workers were forced to work from home.

This is a work session only, there will be no votes by the board.  You can watch the action by tuning in to any of CobbTV’s streaming outlets.

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