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September 9, 2020

Cobb County Superior Court programs offer accountability

As prosecutors in Superior Court, our goal is not merely to punish offenders, but to seek justice and help offenders find a better path in life so they do not continue to commit crime. We regularly see individuals whose offenses stem from underlying issues including drug addiction and mental health problems. Cobb’s Accountability Courts were created to target those issues and end the cycle of crime for as many people as possible.

“Accountability Courts are one way the District Attorney’s Office strives to lift up our citizens and create an even better Cobb County for all of us,” District Attorney Joyette M. Holmes said.

Cobb’s programs – including

  • Drug Treatment Court,
  • Mental Health Court, and
  • Veterans Accountability and Treatment Court

within the Superior Court are generally open to nonviolent offenders who agree to months-long treatment and rehabilitation. Participants must pay restitution to their victims, where applicable, and submit to random drug screens. If they fail to meet any of the numerous conditions, they can be removed from the program and incarcerated for their crimes. Representatives of several offices, including the supervising Judge, District Attorney, Circuit Defender, Sheriff, and Probation, along with partners like the Cobb Community Services Board and local veterans, help support participants in achieving their goals.

Each of the courts hold defendants accountable for their actions by requiring them to be active participants in their own rehabilitation. By returning participants to a stable and productive life, we are also protecting Cobb residents and reducing the financial burden to our court system.