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Cobb Drug Treatment Court Celebrates 20 Years Changing Lives

Drug Treatment Court Award presented to Hope, the Comfort Dog
October 27, 2023

For 20 years, Cobb’s Drug Treatment Court has led people out of the criminal justice system and into long-term recovery. To celebrate this milestone, on Thursday, October 26, 2023, Cobb Superior Court Judge Kimberly A. Childs led a large gathering of judges, court employees, community stakeholders, and many other supporters in celebration of two decades of changing lives through the County’s Drug Treatment Court program.

At the celebration, Judge Childs, who currently presides over the program, presented a special award to Senior Judge George H. Kreeger, the first Drug Court judge, for his many years of service to the program and the county.

“Today, we celebrate 20 years of creating paths to wellness. Drug Courts are saving lives, reuniting families, reducing crime, and saving money,” said Porsha Middlebrook, Program Coordinator. “Drug Courts work!”

Speakers at the event included Chief Assistant District Attorney John Pursley, who served as the prosecutor on the Drug Court team for several years, and Grady Moore, who served as a prosecutor and later as defense counsel for the Drug Court program for nearly 20 years.

Former DTC graduate Daniel Spinney spoke about his experience before and after participating in the program. Since then, he has been an integral part of the recovery community in Cobb County, including serving as the long-time Director of Program Services at The Zone in Marietta. “Drug Court is a major part of the person I am today. It gave me the tools to be a better son, father, and grandfather. I would not be where I am today without the Drug Court program,” Spinney said.

Judge Childs also awarded DTC community partner and certified sober living facility Four Winds Recovery for their continued partnership and services to the program and participants. The availability of quality sober living housing opportunities has been a mainstay of the DTC, enabling otherwise homeless individuals into the program by offering a stable residence in Cobb County.

Sherrod Jones, the Career and Training Coordinator with CobbWorks, was also recognized for his service as a team member in all the Cobb accountability courts for over eight years. Mr. Jones provides comprehensive services to DTC participants for employment and education. These services are pivotal to ensuring participants obtain stable jobs and achieve independence and sustainability during and after the program.

Hope the Comfort Dog also received recognition for her devotion to the participants of the Cobb DTC and for always providing a calming influence on participants each week in the court hearings. Hope comes to court for every accountability court session. Marietta’s Faith Lutheran Church and School sponsor the Lutheran Charities K-9 Comfort Dogs, and Judge Childs thanked the Church for supporting Cobb’s accountability court participants.

For more information about Cobb Drug Treatment Court, please contact Porsha Middlebrook, Program Coordinator, at 770-528-1933 or email