SelectCobb Not-For-Profit Small Organization Relief Grants

Cobb County Government is partnering with SelectCobb to provide relief to Not-For-Profit organizations in Cobb County that have been devastated by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Not-For-Profit Small Organization Relief Grant has been established to assist 501(c)(3) organizations with up to 100 employees with various operational and overhead expenses. The program will be funded by way of a portion of the County’s disbursement of funding via the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. These funds are intended to be used by communities to deal with the impacts of COVID-19. The Cobb County Board of Commissioners has allocated $2 million to be disbursed by SelectCobb to not-for-profit organizations impacted by the pandemic. The information attached will assist not-for-profit organizations in learning about the grant tiers, eligible uses of funds, eligibility criteria, the application process, the required memorandum of understanding, and details on how grant monies will be disbursed.
Visit the program website for more information