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  • What about returning poll workers?

    If you are an active poll worker, you do not have to apply again. Your record will remain active in our database if you have worked at the polls in the past.

    If you have additional questions, please contact us at 770-528-2581.

  • Is this a volunteer position?

    No. Poll workers get paid for their services. Currently, the rate of pay per election is $275 for poll managers, $225 for assistant poll managers, $200 for back up poll managers and $180 for clerks. Poll workers are also paid $30 to help set up the poll for which they are assigned on Election Day. 

  • What training is required?

    All poll workers are required by law to attend training prior to each election. Your area supervisor will work with you to schedule the day and time of each class. Poll workers will be paid $20 for online training and $40-$95 for in-person training. Your area manager will decide what type of training is needed.

    If a poll worker is not trained prior to an election, he or she will not be allowed to work the polls on Election Day.

  • What positions are available?

    The Poll Manager is in charge of the precinct and has added responsibilities prior to Election Day, such as picking up the supplies before Election Day and inspecting the polling place. On election night, the Poll Manager must deliver the election evidence to the elections preparation center.

    The Assistant Poll Manager supervises other workers and helps the Poll Manager where needed.

    All workers, including Clerks, will greet voters, determine eligibility, and assist voters as needed. One worker accompanies the Poll Manager on election night to drop off election evidence. Poll workers must work at least one election before being considered for Poll Manager or Assistant Poll Manager positions.

  • What are the work hours?

    All poll workers must be at their assigned polling place at 6 a.m. on Election Day until approximately 9 p.m. The day ends when all election evidence is reconciled, and all materials have been packed away.