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Welcome Back! Cobb Senior Centers Slowly Reopen

woman checking in resident at CSS
October 9, 2020

Phase 1 reopening of Cobb Senior Centers began today with limited restrictions at Freeman Poole Senior Center, Senior Wellness Center and West Cobb Senior Center.

“I’m so happy to be back,” said Judy Solomon as she had her temperature checked and answered a short list of health-related questions before being given a color-coded sticker. “I’m a regular customer here for several years and I’m so happy they’re open again.”

“We have a maximum of six people per session and each session is 45 minutes long,” said Public Services Manager Margie Castillo-Carbaugh. “It’s nice to see faces again and catch up.”

Most people said they were happy to get back into the gym and have an opportunity to interact with others. Resident Julie Petit was most excited about seeing her friends. “I’ve been missing people because I come here to socialize as well as exercise,” she said.

Karen Thayer, who was on the incumbent bike while her husband Marc worked out nearby, has been coming to the Senior Wellness Center for about five years and said she missed the gym, yoga and playing bingo the most.

The centers will operate on a limited status Monday-Thursday (9 a.m.-3 p.m.) and are closed to the public on Friday until further notice. Registration is required.

Check our home page or Facebook page for current news and information on protocols and regulations.

Virtual programming will continue via Facebook & Zoom. Please visit for information on these activities and all other department updates.