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Sharp Ramp-Up of Absentee Voting Poses Challenges for Election Officials

absentee ballot
April 8, 2020

The sharp ramp-up of absentee voting in Georgia poses an extra challenge for election officials. Cobb Elections continues processing large quantities of mail ballot applications. However, the State has not yet begun mailing out the actual ballots. If you have already sent in your application, please be patient. As soon as the ballots have started mailing, we will update our website and social media channels.

Cobb County voters can complete absentee ballot applications at The preferred email to send in your application is (The state's print vendor used the general email "" on the application. If you have already sent your application to that email address, your application was received and forwarded to the preferred "" email. You do not need to resend your application.) 

Click here to watch Cobb County Board of Elections Director Janine Eveler explain the situation and follow her one request; PLEASE don’t call to check on the status of your absentee ballot application.