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Community Garden at Austell Senior Center Gets Some TLC

gardeners planting
September 14, 2020

The Cobb County Master Gardeners have a new project at Austell Senior Center. UGA-Cobb Extension staff and Master Gardener Coordinator Renae Lemon joined a group of master gardeners at the community garden behind the center for a renovation.

“Master gardeners from Cobb County were excited to get out in the sunshine and help clean out these wonderful beds and fill them with a fall crop," Lemon said. "When the Austell seniors return, they will be excited to harvest and enjoy these crops.”

The volunteers pulled weeds, cleaned the beds and planted a fall crop to help get the gardens started. A couple of the master gardeners will remain in close contact with the center to help instruct and educate gardeners on how to grow and maintain their beautiful garden beds.

“As the new Cobb County agriculture and natural resources extension agent, it has been great to get to know the area master gardeners," Hallie Harriman said. "Their abundant knowledge of all things horticulture and willingness to share are just two reasons why this group is such a blessing to our community. Here’s to building sustainable gardens and relationships in Cobb County!”

We thank our wonderful staff and volunteers for these efforts.